Chapter 15: Zoe's Party

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This week has actually gone by in a breeze. It was now Friday and I was sitting in Japanese class listening to Ms. Masaki teach her lesson. I was really tired and I just want to go home. I haven't been getting much sleep for the past few weeks, ever since Fang left.

Tonight is Zoe's party and I don't even know if I wanna go. I said I would but I'm just way too exuasted. I might just go for a little while but not stay long. Before I know it the class ended and Josie was over by me waiting for me to pack my things.

"So are you going to Zoe's party tonight?" Josie asks me as I stand up from my desk.

"I'm probably just gonna go for a little while but not stay long. I haven't been getting much sleep," I say as we walk out of the classroom.

"Oh that sucks. Do you know why you haven't been getting much sleep?" I turn away as she says this. I do know why but I can't exactly tell her what it is.

"I need to get to class," I say rushing off to Personal Finance. The teacher is strict about tardies and I don't really want to be late and get a lecture from him. Personal Finance went by pretty fast, thank god. I can't take anymore school. I decide to skip my last hour. It's only Study Hall anyways so its not a big deal. 

As soon as I get home and walk through the door my mom immediatly asks why I'm home so early. I simply tell her that its because I have no last hour. She shrugs and just walks away. I walk into my room, dropping my bag onto the floor. I flop down on my bed and look at the cieling.

I grab the note from Fang from the drawer of the bedside table and clutch it to my chest. It's been two weeks since I last saw him and its just been really hard. I wish he didn't have to leave me. I don't care how unnormal my life is. He made me happy and ever since he left I've been nothing but depressed. I don't even remember the last time I actually smiled.

Hours later I was in the bathroom getting all ready for Zoe's party tonight that I don't even wanna go to. I slip into a slim fit short black dress. I curl the tips of my long straight brown hair and grab my make up bag. I look in the mirror as I do my make up. I walk out into my room, grabbing my black leather boots and put them on. I walk over to my desk drawer, unlocking it. I grab the gun from the drawer and put it in my purse.

I walk out of my bedroom and past my mom. My mom turns to me and asks me where I'm going. I just tell her that I was going out with friends and I walked out of the apartment.

As soon as I arrive at Zoe's place, there was cars all crowded and I could hear the music from her apartment. Her neighbors must be cool people to put up with her loudness of a party. I walk into her apartment and as soon as I do, the smell of alcohol engulfs me.

There were people with red plastic cups hanging around and talking. There were people who were even smoking weed. The smell of alcohol and weed is horrible together. There were people who were making out on the couch also.

"You made it!" Zoe says popping up out of nowhere. I jump back because I was taken aback by her sudden appearence.

"Uh yeah. You said this was gonna be the party of the year, right?"" I say to her.

"Obviously! No one ever misses my parties. You could ask anyone here," she says gesturing to everyone.

"Right," I say drifting my eyes away from her.

"Anyways, go ahead and make yourself at home," she says as she giggles. I don't know what's up with her. She's acting pretty suspicious.

I push that thought aside and walk towards the kitchen where the food is being held. I could feel people look at me but every tilme I turned to look at them they woud immediatly turn away and continue their conversation. This is just really weird.

When I get to the kitchen, I sit at one of the barstools in their. I rest my head on my hand with my elbow supporting my arm. I sit here for a couple minutes until some guy sits next to me.

"Hey," he says. "What are you doing sitting alone?"

"I don't know," I say shrugging. "I don't really feel comfortable being here."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," the guy laughs. I roll my eyes when he says that. "Anyways, my name is Shane. What's yours?"

"Skye," I say.

"What a beautiful name," Shane says as he smiles at me. "Come with me." Shane puts his hand out for me to grab ahold of. "I'm gonna show you how to have fun at a party."

I grab his hand and let him guide me away. "First off," he begins saying. "You need a drink. It ain't a party unless you drink some sort of alcohol." He hands me a red plastic cup. I don't know what's in it but I don't care. He's gonna probably talk me into drinking it anyways. I take a huge gulp of the alcohol causing me to go into a huge coughing fit. That was too strong to take that big of a drink from.

"Woah now, don't go taking gulps of drinks like this," Shane laughs.

"Whatever," I say, rolling my eyes. Me and him continue to drink and talk for another half hour. He seems pretty cool. I'm actually starting to like him and have fun for the first time in awhile. He sure knows how to make me smile and laugh too.

After half an hour he asks me to come somewhere with him because he has something to show me so I go ahead and follow him. He leads me down a hall and into a bedroom. I walk in the room and look around. I hear him shut the door so I turn back around to face him.

"What's going on?" I ask him confused.

Shane starts to get closer with a seductive look on his face. Every time he takes a step closer to me, I take a step back until I run into the bed. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

He was now really close to me, rubbing his hand on my thigh. I push his hand away as I tell him to stop. He puts a finger up to my mouth, telling me to be quiet. He catches me off by surprise as he presses his lips against mine. I put both of my hands on his chest, trying to push him away. As I try to push him away he just becomes more agressive.

He pushes me to the bed and I let out a scream. "No one's gonna save you," he says to me as he starts to push my dress up over my hips. I let the tears come streaming down my face. Thats when I remember the gun. I kick him in the balls causing him to jerk up. I hurry up and grab my purse as he smacks him to the ground. I hit the ground hard gripping my purse to my chest.

I quickly grab the gun from my purse and face it to Shane. He immediatly backs away as he says, "What the hell! Where'd you get that gun?"

I take a deep breathe and don't speak for a minute. "My boyfriend gave me this gun, so I wouldn't mess around," I finally say.

"Holy shit," he says as he runs out of the room. "Everyone! Skye has a gun!" I could hear him yelling to everyone. I need to get out of here without being seen. I look around. I don't have much time because I could hear footsteps coming towards this room. I walk over to the window and look out. Great, there's a fire escape!

I quickly open the window, looking back to make sure they aren't in the room yet. I quickly climb through the window and start hurrying down the fire escape. I could start to hear everyone talking when they got to the room.

I hurry up and run to my car. As soon as I get in and shut the door, I drop the gun onto the passenger seat. I quickly start the car and start driving to my house. I passed a cop car with its sirens going off. They probably called the cops when I left.

I pull up into the parking lot of my apartment, shutting the ignition off. I slouch back into my seat, covering my face with my hands. Moving to Seattle was a horrible idea.

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