Amagi: The Crimson Echoing

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If it wasn't for Amagi wanting me to herself, boy you know this ain't it chief... Amagi was like a ghost, who goes here and there and everywhere. When I went to sit down on a bench, Amagi is there, next to me. She was like the Second and Fifth Carrier divisions, but she only stalks. I still remember about Kaga, who went bat crazy after like slaughtering about a few boys who used to bully me. It finally gave me closure, but it was scary at the same time. If I put this on a scale of chill to insane, I say ALL the shipgirls I encountered and wanted me to themselves would be sniffing on some glue and seeing Martians. I wanted to throw the wedding ring to the ocean, forgetting about it so they wouldn't go after me. That wasn't true since they can just go get it and keep it to themselves and show it to me as a proposal.  It's only one ring, but I bet all of them will propose to me.

 I don't know what's up with Amagi nowadays. The fact I don't look cute or handsome, yet formal makes me think I'm like some kind of girl magnet. Her affinity is still not at a hundred so how would she ended up liking me?! I did nothing wrong about this cruelty I'm dealing with. Without Takao, every yandere shipgirl would go for me, as if I'm their senpai or whatever they call nowadays. And I was dealing with the loss of someone I put my trust in. And I literally mean it, and it was Zuikaku's fault for killing her. 

I remained calm after losing Takao and having a grudge on Zuikaku. I can't let that in my head, even if it hurts to release it. It was 4 days after I received Amagi, and her sanity is completely drained. Her insanity is not worse unlike Shoukaku, who is like a giggling demon. But she watches me everywhere I go, including watching me sleep for the rest of the night compared to Shoukaku. Pretty scary and creepy isn't it? I remember the time she scared me. 


I was finishing some paperwork as any commander does after doing hard sorting and exercises. I didn't see Hiryuu for a long time since I didn't put here to commissions or anything that needs oil. I felt something warm, and it was not Atago. I turned slowly and it was Amagi, I jumped in fright. 

Arthur: You scared me!

Amagi: Hi commander~

She smiled at me. 

Arthur: What is it? You scared me!

Amagi: Just checking up on you, nothing much. 

Arthur: Checking up on me?! How long were you here?

Amagi: I was here the whole time. Why?

Arthur: You creepy girl...

Amagi: Any missions to complete? 

Arthur: All of them are occupied. 

Amagi: Care for tea? 

Arthur: No thanks, but thanks for the offer.

I always think she would put poison in it She wouldn't kidnap me, would she? 

Flashback ends...

It was the evening after finishing the mountains of papers. I headed to my room and decide to take a nap. I was so tired from work, I slept a little longer, blacking out. I still have the same dream, being with Takao. 

Takao: Back again?

Arthur: Yeah... Atago drank again.

Takao: I should warn her, but Zuikaku has to kill me...

Arthur: Zuikaku realizes that you were in the way, so that's why she plans to kill you...

Takao: Yep, I heard you got Amagi.

Arthur: I don't know what's up with her now. 

Takao: Is it weird for being a girl magnet? I'm not a guy or anything.

Promise Rings: Yandere Azur Lane FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang