Atago: Sister Tensions

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You think Taihou's was scary since she stalks me, well you're wrong. After I was running away from Taihou like a little girl, Takao stopped me near the shores. 

Arthur: Takao, thank goodness you're here. 

Takao: What's the rush? 

Arthur: Taihou...

Takao: Oh, now I get it. Sorry, I forgot to tell you that she stalks you no matter you are. 

I was taking short breaths after running away from Taihou. 

Arthur: Is there ANYONE I have to deal with?!

Takao: No, you're good... oh, hi sis. 

Arthur: Sis? 

A female with a face of cuteness, with fox-like ear hairstyle and, wears the same appearance as Takao's, except she wore black high heels, bearhugged me from behind. I was buried in her bosom. 

???: Aw~ you're a cute commander!

I was gasping for air. 

Arthur: *muffled*

???: I just want to hug you forever!

Takao: Sis, let him go.

???: Noooooo~

Arthur: Urk--

Takao: That girl bearhugging you is my sister, Atago. 

I went completely blacked out, didn't hear what Takao said. I barely heard what anyone is saying at this point. Also, one bearhug could easily knock me out for good.

Takao: You knocked him out. You monster. 

Atago: He's soooo cute though~

Takao: *sighs* Whatever. 

A few hours later...

I slowly gain conscious after what Atago did to me. I woke up in the middle of the night, and sure enough, it wasn't my office or my home. I feel like I'm sleeping in someone's dorm room. Takao was already sleeping in her own room, and I felt that where I'm at must be Atago's. 

Atago: *hic* Hi.. commander~ 

She felt completely drunk. Takao wasn't around to witness this. 

Atago: *hic* I to... sleep... with... me... 

I looked at her eyes. She felt like she wants me and wasted at the same time. 

Arthur: What did you do to me? 

Atago: I took you to my dorm after you blacked out... Now, bury yourself in my bosom.

Arthur: As a commander, I rather not. 

Atago was licking her lips at me. Even it's the middle of the night, she must have drunk Sake after I blacked out.

Atago: You must bury yourself! I want you to. Hehehe~

Arthur: Please no... 

She then got up and planted herself on top of me, with her melons on my face. I was screaming in pain.

Atago: Sleep tight, darling~ I'm going to have some fun tomorrow. Hehehehehe~


The next morning... 

I felt completely wasted and weak after what Atago did to me. Even if I looked like a commander, Atago is an older sister to me. I and Atago barely met, so it makes thing worse for myself. I woke up and Atago wasn't there. She must have gone somewhere in the dockyard. I headed to Takao's room to see what's Takao up to. I knocked on her door politely, and the door opened. 

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