"I would love to, Markie!!".

We agreed to go later so now him and I are going to go back to help around his restaurant.

3 hours later

Today is so busy at the restaurant.

Markie trust his staff to handle everything so he tells me that we can go get the flowers.

We drive to the place since it is a bit far from the restaurant.

One thing about us is that we love to blast music everytime we are in his car, it's like our little tradition.

We sing our lungs out on the way to the flower shop.

Finally at the shop I see some beautiful colorful flowers outside.

We walk around and when I finally decide on what flowers to take home we go to pay.

At the cashier I see an olderly couple making me think of David and me.

They look so happy and in love every time they look at each others eyes.

Markie never lets me pay when he takes me anywhere so this time him and I play fight to see who wins.

I win this time so I ask the old lady how much would it be for the flowers.

She looks at me and smiles making me return a big smile.

"Are you a couple?", she asks.

I answer, "No, but he is my bestfriend Markie".

"Ohh sorry".

"It's alright don't worry", I tell her.

We pay and say bye to Linda, we talked for a little bit and she told me about her and Andres who is her husband, they are the sweetest people.

I will definitely be coming to buy my flowers from her shop from now on.

We head back to Markie's house to cook some dinner.

Tonight's plans are to just watch a movie to relax and then rest.

We are currently cooking Paella.

I have been trying traditional food from Spain and tonight we are cooking some Paella

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I have been trying traditional food from Spain and tonight we are cooking some Paella.

As we cook we dance to the music that we have, I love to dance and when I found out that Markie does too I was so happy.

We cook and dance to make everything much fun.

After dinner, let me tell you that the Paella was delicious, ok so we are sitting on the couch while debating wich movie we will be watching.

We couldn't agree which movie to see so it was decided to watch both films so my film goes first YAY.

An hour after we decide to watch his movie tomorrow night since we both are so sleepy, we turn off the TV and head to our rooms to sleep.

In my room I decide to call David since I want to hear is masculine but sexy voice.

"My beautiful Ela how did today go?".

"Very good love, today I bought some flores and how are you?".

"Alone, but soon we will see each other my beautiful Ela".

We continue to talk and he asks me about Markie's restaurant and if everything is going alright.

I remember when I told him that I would be staying with Markie for the 4 months that I would be in Spain, since then he has been trying to come to Spain but because of work he hasn't got the chance until now.

I tell him that there is nothing between me and Markie, but he says that he will make it clear for him that I am his and only his.

Author's Note

Who do you think is the Mysterious person?

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