!Chapter Ten!

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As I write this while drinking my diet iced tea and watching the office I would like to apologize for not updating in such a long time.

It's not that I lost Inspiration I just had a lot going on but I would think about this story and still read those comments telling me to update. I would like to thank those who stayed with my story and didn't give up on me.

So thank you

As soon as my class had ended and the last student walked out Professor McGonagall came through the door. "Mr. Phantom Dani had an episode in class today and I don't have the slightest idea of what could have caused it"

"I have already sent her to Madam Pomfrey to make sure she is well". "Dani, is she okay, did she get hurt," I asked frantically.

"From what I saw she was unhurt, I cast some calming spells on her but that is why I sent her to Madam Pomfrey just to be sure" I nodded my head thanking her for informing me.

"Oh, one more thing Mr. Phantom when I walked in the entire room and its contents were floating and surrounded by green light" she paused for a moment before continuing.

Her tone becoming a bit more serious. "Did this have anything to do with Dani's other ghostly side" I looked at her before nodding yes.

"Unfortunately it's a result from her being in the magical world with this year being when she gains her inheritance" I briefly explain.

I thanked her once again for telling me about Dani's situation before making my way out "before I leave Professor I would really appreciate that this didn't get out to Professor Umbridge".

She gave a small smile " I wouldn't tell her for the world but it did happen in a room full of teenage students, I think we both know what that means"

My lips formed a thin line "Unfortunately I do we can only hope for the best then" I finally said to her before walking out, making my way to the hospital wing.


I waited for my dad to come as Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let me leave until she spoke with him. After calming down about the whole, Draco finding out I like him, incident I started to think of what father would do.

'He's going to be angry' I thought 'two incidents in one day way to go, Dani, you should just carry a sign that says half breed'. I was woken from my thoughts when I heard the door open.

"Hello, Dani, Madam Pomfrey" I heard Danny ask. "Over here dad" I yelled, not a moment later he was by my side. I waited for him to be angry, to tell me I screwed up but instead, he hugged me, while I just sat there not knowing what to do.

"I'm so glad you're ok" I heard him say. Tears filled my eyes as I wrapped my arm around him too. "You're not upset with me" I practically whispered into his shoulder, he let go of me and held me at arms length.

A smile played at his lips "Oh Dani why would I be mad at you" he said "You're going through things that you have no control over" he reassuringly squeezed my shoulders.

I pulled him into a hug again and cried on his shoulder, "I'm sorry for messing up again dad" I cried. He just rubbed my back in soothing circles "Calm down Dani you did nothing wrong these things will just happen until your inheritance"

I just nodded closing my eyes and feeling drowsy. I heard him chuckle at my tiredness "go to bed Dani you've had a long day" he said with a small laugh.

He untangled his arms from me as I laid down, readjusting the covers over me before standing up. "I'll visit you during lunch" I just nodded at him before finally falling asleep.


Dani's situation was all that I could think about as I walked to my classroom, mostly of what Dolores would say about the matter. She already didn't like me for my half-breed status.

These thoughts filled my head as I opened the door to my room. "What am I gonna do about that damn toad" I sighed as I sat down behind my desk and prepared for my next class of students.

The rest of my classes went on by like a blur nothing exciting happened during my remaining morning classes of the second, third and fourth years but some students did give me tips to about some of the older students.

Mostly two red-headed Gryffindor twins who like to pull pranks and constantly misbehave. 'I'll have to keep an eye out for them during my afternoon classes tomorrow, as my classes alternated between first and fourth years with fifth and seventh years.

I kept thinking about how my afternoon classes for tomorrow will go as I walked into the great hall for lunch. 'Dani' I thought as I remembered she was still in the hospital wing and was probably hungry.

'I did promise I would go during lunch to see her' I thought as I walked up to the teacher's table and started preparing her a plate. "You're taking Dani a plate I presume," Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "yeah I am she's probably really hungry and bored for that matter. I was planning on spending the rest of my day with her, you know give her company".

I said while finishing Dani's plate, and that's when I noticed it, the absolute silence that fell over the great hall, I picked up my head and turned around only to face the one and only person I didn't want to see, "Hello Dolores" I said with a smile.

She just smiled back, but I knew it strained her to do so, "now mister phantom I am the high inquisitor sent by the minister himself and I would appreciate that you use my proper title when speaking to me," she said her lips forming a thin line.

I just smiled again "come now Dolores we're all friends here aren't we" I replied putting a little emphasis on her name. "Now if you'll excuse me I have a daughter to go visit," I said while grabbing Dani's plate and trying to move around her.

"Yes about your daughter," she said her sickly sweet smile coming back, I stopped and looked at her. "What about her," I said in a serious tone, apparently I gave her what she wanted as her smile grew bigger.

"I heard that she caused quite the seen in her transfiguration class today because of her ...heritage, which is unacceptable I must say, she is a menace and a danger to this school". My hold on the plate tightened to the point that I could hear it crack.

"I don't understand why anyone would let you come here and teach," she said sneering "dirty half-breeds only causing the ministry trouble, your all nothing but a waste", I didn't give her the satisfaction of finishing as my anger bubbled up to the surface finally breaking through.

The plate In my hand breaking as I yelled at her, "Shut up you know nothing about us and the life we live" I felt myself losing control and slowly morphing to my ghostly self. I felt my hair start to flicker and my teeth sharpen, my voice drawing out into an echo as I kept yelling at her.

"Who do you think you are lowly human talking to me like that, insulting who we are" I could sense her fear, and it was delicious,I no longer had control of my actions "people like you, who are nothing but ignorant, give your species a bad name I wonder if they'll miss someone like you" I said while building ghostly energy in my hands ready to fire at her.

The rest of the staff table drew their wands in a warning matter ready to defend this toad of a woman, but at this point all rational thought had left my mind as I stood in front of the person who not only insulted me but my daughter and all other half-breeds without a second thought of everything she said.

I raised my hand, while the staff table did the same with their wands and suddenly time froze.

So what do you guys think after such a long time still good or have I lost my touch

A lot has happened for it being the first day of school. Danny has been outed as a half-breed and Dani thinks Draco knows about her liking him but who knows right

Sorry for ending in a cliffhanger but you know it adds some suspense to the story like oooo what gonna happen next is Danny finally gonna get rid of that damn toad and what up with the "time froze" part

But overall thank you guys for still being with my story and putting up with my bullshit (sorry for cussing)

Well I guess that's it, for now, bye guys and see you next week

Love ya

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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