!Chapter Six!

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The boats stopped and we all walked out and into the castle. The architecture was even more beautiful up close than from far away it's arched ceilings and chiseled columns were breathtaking. My marveling as abruptly stopped by Professor McGonagall calling for all the first years to listen and that included me as well.

"Now everyone the sorting shall begin shortly when I call your name please go to the front of the great hall sit on the stool and put on the sorting hat it shall tell us what house you are going to be sorted into and remember do not be ashamed of what house you get sorted into they shall be your family for the years you stay here at Hogwarts".

As she finished she turned around and opened the great hall doors and walked through them, us following along behind her. As soon I walked through the doors I felt nervous all over again, I could feel everyone's stares, my hands started to sweat up. 

I just looked forward, my eyes scanned over the staff table until I found him sitting between professor Flitwick and Professor Snape my father the king of ghosts. Meeting his eyes he gave me two thumbs up and his signature smile. I could feel my rapid breathing calm down and I wasn't as nervous anymore 'calm your self Dani this isn't that big of a deal just breath' i kept telling myself.

My name was finally called "Phantom Dani" Professor McGonagall said out loud I was the last one to be sorted, my path was clear the stool only a few feet away that distance kept getting shorter and shorter the more I walked towards it. 

Finally sitting down with the hat over my head I could feel it entering my mind, pocking and prodding through my thoughts. 'what do we have here'  a voice spoke to me 'hello will you be the one sorting me'  i asked it  'I mean they do call me the sorting hat for a reason' i laughed at the hats response.  'you show the qualities of all four houses young lady but the problem is where to put you I'm going to look deeper into your memories'  i internally nodded. 

Giving the sorting hat the access it wanted, it felt like a cool sensation over my head. I could feel the memories surfacing, ones where I attack Danny, Tucker, Sam, where I use my powers for evil and selfish gain. 'Redemption is what you seek Dani' the hat said to me 'you have done things you regret, actions you wish you hadn't done.' 

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as flashbacks of the things I had done, keyword had I am no longer that person I have changed I have friends who care about me now and friends that I care about, I have a family. I have Danny, Clockwork, Kitty, Johny, Ember and sometimes even Skulker, smiling at that last thought I asked the hat for its final decision.

'You, my dear girl, have gone through much but you have grown from it as well there are many people like you here at Hogwarts, I feel that the best place for you shall be Slytherin not for their ability to be cunning or their ambitions but because you have shown that one can change their ways for the better Slytherin was once a proud house but times have changed and so have its ideals and morals I believe you can change that so let it be'  SLYTHERIN. (I'm sorry but I really enjoyed writing the sorting hat parts. Danny won't be sorted just because I truly feel he does have the values of all four houses)

The hat rang out and soon a volley of cheers followed. Finally looking up I scanned the room Gryffindor was mildly clapping having to deal with another Slytherin while Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff didn't really care about my house status but politely clapped finally looking over at the Slytherin table I felt proud to be part of them. They clapped loudly and boastfully, proud to claim another student for their house and that student was me.

Putting the hat down back on the stool I walked over to my house and scanned the table for Draco, finding him clapping and smiling for me I sat down next to him ignoring the dirty looks pansy was giving me. 

The clapping died down as Professor Dumbledore walked up to the podium, he held his hand out and silence fell over the room. "Welcome back students to another year at Hogwarts and for those of you starting hope you enjoy your stay may your year be educational and eventful."

As he said this he looked over at the Gryffindor table, I looked back at him as he continued his speech. "Now I would like to introduce a new professor joining us this year he shall be teaching a new subject on the paranormal creatures that inhabit our world and others Professor Daniel Phantom.


I stood up as Dumbledore called my name, walking to the podium I told myself to breathe and calm down. Standing, there I looked at the sea the students 'this is it Danny just go for it' i thought to myself. "I am professor Daniel Phantom and I shall be your new Professor for the supernatural course you all will be taking".

I let some of my ghostly energy out letting the room get colder and the lights to dim. The students started looking around trying to find the source of what was happening while the teachers just sat there knowing exactly what I was doing. I smiled knowing I was giving a few of the students a scare. "My class is one of the most important ones you all will tale as our world has an immense number of magical and paranormal beings and not all can be defeated by magic".

 With those last words, I walked back to my seat but not before looking back to see my daughter smiling at me. I internally nodded and looked back at Dumbledore as he said a few more things "Now with those words said I hope you have amazing fe..." "mmhhmm" silence fell over the great hall as all heads turned to look at that toad of a woman, whose name I still didn't know.

She apparently took the silence as her cue to get up. she walked to the podium and gave a bittersweet smile followed by a sickly sweet voice. "Hello students I love seeing your smiling faces I am Dolores Umbridge and I shall be your new Defense against the dark arts professor".

There was still no reaction as everyone was still shocked that this woman, forget what her name was, just interrupted the headmaster cut him off as if it was nothing. "Thank you, that shall be all" with those words she walked off the podium to the sound of unsure clapping as students were still registering what just happened.

Dumbledore just walked back to the podium as of nothing happened and restated what he said, with his final words the food appeared and the first meal of the year began. 'Well this is going to be an eventful year' i thought to my self as I began to eat as well.

I was in the writing mood and I can't sleep so here you guys go another chapter hope you enjoy BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Professor Phantomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें