!Chapter Four!

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updated Jan-14-2018

OMG you guys over thousand reads this makes it my most read story I can't believe it, it's all thanks to you all

Harry (ooooooo did y'all expect this ok maybe you did😕)

Hermione, Ron and I looked on as professor phantom and Dumbledore talked about who knows what, but our attention was directed from them to Dani, professor phantom's daughter. We walked over to her as she was playing with a small green dog with red eyes.

Her head went up as she saw us walking over. "Hey guys," she said while smiling, but before Ron or I could say anything Hermione fired away with her questions. "Are you and professor phantom from America you both clearly have accents" that was the first question from many to come.

Dani just nodded her head saying that they had come all the way from 'America'(You see what I did there. I mean they don't know she's not from 'America' but it was for my own enjoyment) for her dad to teach here.

"So Dani what's your blood status," Ron asked "Ronald Weasley(spelling) what type of question is that" Hermione screeched at him. She turned to Dani "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to" Dani just laughed at their antics and proudly said "Half-blood"

"Oh really well, in that case, I'm muggle born Ron is a pureblood and Harry is also a half-blood" Hermione finished for us "you know we could have told her that our selves mione," Ron told her. Hermione just blushed and stuttered trying to come up with a response to his comment.

Dani once again laughed "you guys are such a cute couple you remind me of a few of my friends from back home" I just looked from Hermione and Ron holding in my laughter their flustered faces were priceless. "w...we're no...not dating or anything," Ron said for the both of them.

Dani turned to look at me "so harry what's Hogwarts like" she said while resting her chin on her hands as the dog that was on her lap leaped onto the ground. "well Hogwarts is like a home away from home you make all sort of friends and you learn all types of spells but I would say that the best part would be how you feel like part of a family" I said the last part in a bit of a whisper but Dani had clearly heard me.

"I know what you mean when you talk about family, family is really important to me I felt like I didn't belong before I found my, dad you could say that we got separated along the way or more like I got influenced by the wrong sort of people" she finished. I just looked at her not knowing what to say, Hermione and Ron had stopped their flustered episode to listen to Dani's story as well.

Hermione ran to Dani and enveloped her in a hug "Oh Dani don't worry you have us once you start Hogwarts so don't worry ok" she finished Dani just looked at each of us and smiled.

After that little episode, Dani's father professor phantom came and told us that they had to go but would be back for when the school term started "bye guys ill see again when school starts" she said as they walked out of the leaky cauldron.


As the month passed by Dani and Danny practiced their magic and read on the wizarding world to learn their customs and traditions. Since Dani was starting in fifth year instead of first year she had to work extra hard to learn all the fifth year material.

The last week before the term started Dani and Danny were asked by Dumbledore to come to Hogwarts to meet all the staff. when they arrived via Danny's teleportation skill, as they no longer wanted to use the wizarding methods since they made them sick, they were met by a group of unique people.

each one introduced themselves. "Hello I am professor Flitwick(spelling once again) I teach charms and am the head of house for Ravenclaw," a short man said, "I hope to see you in my house young lady" he finished with a smile.

A motherly looking woman came forward "I'm professor sprout and I'll be teaching you herbiology and am also the Hufflepuff head of house" she backed up leaving a trail of dirt as she went.

"Professor Snape I teach potions," a man with glossy straight black hair said, "and I am also the head of Slytherin house" with that he walked back as Dani gulped seeing that Professor Snape would be her head of house  if she got in.

As the meeting when on they learned about all the professors. Like knowing Hagrid as care of magical creatures professor and professor trelnwely(I spelled that wrong so bad sorry guys) as the dinivation teacher.

Danny's Pov

"So Mr.phantom Dumbledore has told us about you being well a halfbreed would you mind showing us what that consists of," Professor Snape asked me.

"I don't mind at all professor snape, but I will tell you one thing my daughter as well is what you call a halfbreed but has not come to age yet so if weird things happen in your classrooms don't worry about it" all the professors nodded at this.

"Good now what type of halfbreed am I well I am half ghost" at saying this it was quiet amusing seeing all the Hogwarts teachers jaws drop.

"One more thing you should all know is that this is not my 'natural' form you could say" I gestured to my body with my hands. "What do you really look like than" professor sprout asked.

I was internally smiling waiting for them to see. I focused my mind on my body a bright flash of light flashed and disappeared in the blink of an eye I opened my eyes to see the Hogwarts staff on the defensive wands drawn.

I looked at them and laughed "not the reaction I was expecting but it was a reaction none the less" I said out loud. They looked at me amazed (god I'm making Danny sound so vain) my flaming hair flickered while I glowed a slightly toxic green.

"Now everyone I think it's time that I showed Mr.Phantom to his room," Dumbledore said this as he leads me outside the great hall and up a flight of stairs. "You made quite the impression back there," he said I looked at him and smiled "I am a king you know impressions are everything" I finished as we kept walking down the school's corridors.

So I'm going be off school for a week that means I can write all I want.

Ok, the thing is when I write I use my notepad , but that's only when I want to start the chapter up like come up with ideas then make an outline.

Sorry I went on a ramble😅 but hey this time I updated on time

Ok byeeeeeeeee

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