!Chapter Nine!

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I know this has been along waited update so here you go


'This is it Danny your official first-day teaching' i thought to myself as I walked around my classroom making sure everything was in order.

Knock, Knock, Knock

"Is it time already"I said aloud "Come in" as soon as the words left my mouth the doors burst open and a wave of students flooded in.

walking up to my desk I surveyed the room seeing that silver and green sat in the back while gold and red sat up front.

'Interesting' i thought 'Looks like the class rivalry runs deep that they won't sit together'. I'm going to change that.

"Welcome to first-year supernatural studies, I am professor Phantom and you will address me as such," I said to them.

Picking up a piece of chalk I turned and wrote something on the chalkboard "These will be our class objectives" I stated while looking at each one of them.

"Understatement," I said reading what I wrote "analyzation and description" I finished "now any questions"

A few hands went up. I motioned for a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes to ask her question.

"yes you, your question and name, please," I asked. "My name is Lina Brown and I wanted to know what type of supernatural creatures we'll be looking at" she finished.

I smiled at her "Well Lina" I said to her "We will be looking at all types of creatures from pixies to imps and even ghouls" I told her.

She just nodded in understandment. I looked around and called on another student I motioned for him to ask. "Well," he started "my name is Wallace wingdon and I wanted to know what you meant by description" he finished.

"That's a very good question what I meant by description is that in case you ever come across one of the creatures we discuss in class you'll know their strength and weakness as well as how to beat them".

He scribbled something down on his parchment "oh okay thank you, professor". I looked around the room and an idea popped into my head "okay everyone please stand up and gather your things".

Once they had all gotten up and gathered their things I started sitting them down in assigned seats. "Professor Phantom why are you doing this I don't want to sit with these," he said motioning to the Gryffindors on either side of him "idiots"

Said Gryffindors just watched as the Slytherin boy just continued to sneer at them. I sighed in annoyance it was only the first day and I already had a trouble student, "And your name is" I asked.

He turned to look at me and said: "Charlie Anstroph" I rolled my eyes at the way he said it. "Well, Charlie I chose these seats for you because this house rivalry is honestly idiotic and distracting".

"Yes I agree that it has its benefits like team building and forming trust within one's house but what I will not tolerate is the fact that you will all throw insults at each other whenever given the chance" I finished while looking all my students.

"Do I make myself clear" I said directing the question more towards Charlie. The class gave an assortment of yes'. Pleased I started once again with the introduction to the class


I nervously looked around the room waiting for professor McGonagall to arrive. Looking around I noticed the large number of things in the room from books to small trinkets.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Draco motioning me over to sit with him as most desks were still empty with students still coming in. Walking over and sitting down we started to talk.

"So Dani how are you feeling nervous I suppose," he said with a smile while shouldering me. I felt my face heat up and my mouth go dry, all I could do was nod my head.

He just laughed at my reaction "I'm just teasing you calm down" Draco said while placing his hand on my shoulder. That's when I lost it, I faintly glowed an electric green and so did the objects around me.

People started to notice, what once was a faint glow became more intense and the objects started to float around the room.

The class doors burst open and professor McGonagall came in. "What is going on here" she asked as her eyes moved around the room.

When they finally landed on my glowing form "Ms Phantom what is the meaning of this" she said to me. "I...I don't know" I said while

She took her wand out and started casting some spells on me. As soon as they hit me I felt myself calm down and the energy that surrounded me dimmed bringing the floating objects down.

You should go see madam Pomfrey in the hospital wing just to make sure you're okay" I nodded my head and stood up.

"When you get there tell her I casted some calming spells on you" I nodded once again before walking out, not daring to look back at Draco.

I slowly made my way towards the hospital wing of the castle. 'How embarrassing' I thought 'letting myself lose control like that and all because I get flustered around Draco'.

Sighing I opened the doors that lead into the infirmary. "Madam Pomfrey are you here" I asked aloud in the room "Professor McGonagall send me up I had sort of an incident in class"

"An incident what sort of incident" I finally heard her voice as she walked out of her conjoined office "Did it have anything to do with your 'other side'" she said.

"Yeah" I said embarrassed while rubbing the back of my neck ,a trait I picked up from my father, she nodded " in that case I'm going to have to inform your father about this if Professor McGonagall hasn't done already".

I internally groaned today was not my day. First I pass out and then this happens, I don't think Danny is gonna let continue with the rest of my classes until he knows I'm ok.

With those thoughts I sat down on one of the many empty beds thinking about what my father will say to me until an even more horrific thought crosses my mind.

'I did all that is front of Draco he's going to know I...I like him'. I hide my face into my hands feeling the all to familiar heat return to my face.

Well guys there you have it I know it's a trash chapter and I haven't updated in so long but don't worry this is my new update schedule

Professor Phantom—Sunday's
And my new story
New Hero—Monday's
So hopefully I stay with this

Thank you all once more for sticking with me and my irrational updating schedule

Love you bye

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