! Chapter One !

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Updated Jan-14-2018

First chapter and before you start reading the actual story some characters may be O.O.C (so sorry in advance).

Now let's start this party (whispers comment and vote sorry)

Danny Phantom (King Phantom because I can)

The day started, as usual, waking up to the beautiful green void that is the ghost zone. I stood from my bed, letting the covers fall from me, and I walked to the large windows that I had and moved the curtains back, basking in the soft green and surprisingly warm light that emitted from them. " Breakfast your highness," one of my maids said as she walked in. "Please just call me Danny or Phantom I don't like formalities" I replied back. She shook her head and placed my breakfast on one of the many tables in my room as soon as she finished she left. Shaking my head at her own stubbornness I quickly changed before eating my breakfast.

I walked through the many corridors of my castle as I made my way to my study which was on the top floor. I mean I could phase through all the floors but I would rather walk there, gives me a chance to greet any of my maids or butlers that I see on my way there. Finally making it into my study I opened the huge wooden double doors and went up to my mirror, this had become a habit of mine ever since I started changing into a more ghostly form. My ghost and human half slowly but surely merged into one, I now had black hair with white strands here and there I also gained a bluish tint to my skin as well as fangs. My physical built also changed I looked more muscular and taller, as my mother once put it "you look handsome even for a ghost" I didn't know how to take that.

Already sitting at my desk I quickly pulled out all the paperwork I had for that day. Looking at the first form it read.

Requests to build a warehouse full of boxes. It shall not only be used by me the Box Ghost and child Boxlunch but also any other ghost that wishes to store any unwanted items.

'A storage unit we actually do need one' I thought to my self and having the Box Ghost manage it is genius I mean he is the only ghost with powers dependent on boxes apart from Boxlunch of course. I grabbed my pen and approved of this change I sealed it in an envelope and made a separate stack for it 'now onto the next one'.

Can I get permission to hunt the rare beasts of the far frozen or be permitted to go into the human world to hunt as well- Skulker

'Skulker wants to go into the human world again and even has the audacity to ask to go into the far frozen denied' I thought as I signed the request form. Instead of sealing this one I burnt it with my hands and wrote a rejection letter to Skulker.

'Finally the last one' I said as I stood up and stretched my sore muscles sitting hunched over a desk really cramps your back. "lunch your highness" I heard from the other side of my doors but this voice was more familiar than the ones from my regular maids or butlers. "Come in" I answered back the doors slowly opened and on the other side stood the one and only Clockwork. I ran up to him took him in an embrace "Clockwork what are you doing here" I asked a smile on my face ever, since I became the ghost king Clockwork has helped become the king I am now. "Well your highness I have a visitor that wishes to see you" he finished. I huffed in annoyance he knew I didn't like formalities "really who I don't usually get many visitors" "He's an old friend of mine actually" as he said this another figure stepped out of the hallway and into the room.

The mysterious man looked quite odd in his garments of different color and his long white beard but what stood out the most were the mans twinkling blue eyes. "Hello," the man said "my name is Albus Dumbledore" as he said this I noticed his accent and realized he was British, I gestured towards the seats near the fireplace we walked over and sat down. "Clockwork tells me you wished to speak to me," I told the man politely 'I have to act like the king I am'. "Yes you see I am the headmaster at a boarding school for witches and wizards called Hogwarts" he paused letting me process what he just said I nodded letting him know that he could continue and that he did. "I wanted to ask you if you could teach my student about the ghost zone and any and all supernatural beings that cant be defeated by magic" he finished and I gave him my response.

"Headmaster Dumbledore I appreciate that you would come to me but I have a Kingdome to rule I can't just leave it to go teach some students I'm sorry but ill have to say no". "There's also one more thing I just don't want you to teach but also to be there as protection for the students," Dumbledore said to me. Now I was intrigued "protection but from what," I asked him. His face quickly became grim and serious "there is this evil wizard named Voldemort and he wants to harm any and all wizards that are not of pure wizard blood, he especially has it out for one of my students named Harry Potter". "So you want me to not only teach but also be there as protection from this Voldemort and his Death Eaters," I asked him still trying to wrap my head around all this "exactly if you would reconsider your decision about going that is".

I looked at Clockwork and sighed "you brought him to me because you knew I would eventually say yes didn't you" he smiled and nodded "well that settles it if Clockwork thinks I can do it then so be it Professor Dumbledore I agree to and teach as well as protect your school and students" saying this I stood up and once again looked at Clockwork "I'm guessing that someone will be taking my place while I'm gone". Clockwork nodded "Princess Dorathea has agreed to watch over Phantom's Keep and postpone any changes until you get back" he finished. I still had a few questions about my position at Hogwarts "Professor Dumbledore I have a few questions that you could hopefully answer for me" he nodded a sign to show that I could continue "will the students now that I am a ghost well half ghost and can any ghost I know come and visit I mean I do have a daughter" I finished.

"The Hogwarts staff will know about your halfa status the students may only know if you wish them to know and about the ghost visiting yes they may come" he finished. I was actually surprised he didn't ask about my daughter "now about this daughter of yours" and there it is "will you wish for her to attend Hogwarts as well" I looked at him confused. Dumbledore noticed this and proceeded to explain "you see Clockwork told me about your female clone and the now changed statuses from cousin to daughter he also explained that all ghost have some sort of magical core". I was shocked at hearing this "Is that why Desiree can grant wishes" I asked Clockwork nodded and continued to explain "you see Danny all ghost have some sort of magical core and all are different as well you and your 'daughter' actually have bigger magical cores that normal ghost".

"So does that mean that Dani and I will be able to perform magic," I asked excitingly. Dumbledore laughed at how much excitement I showed "so is that a yes for your daughter to attend" he asked I just nodded in agreement. "Very well Daniel since I knew you would say yes I have already collected your things as well as the supplies you will need to teach your class". "Have you contacted Dani?" I asked Clockwork "no I have not for you see she will be arriving in 5...4...3...2..." as he finished the voice of a girl In her fifteens was heard. "Danny you better not be in your study you need to get out more you're a family man no..." she stopped talking as she opened the doors. "Dani" I yelled running to her and enveloping her in a hug "how's my baby," I asked, "dad you're embarrassing me in front of Clockwork and this guy" she finished.

Dani slithered out of my embrace and asked who the oddly dressed man was. After explaining everything to her she couldn't stop smiling at the fact that she was a witch "wait until I tell Ember and Kitty imagine all the pranks we could play on Skulker and Johnny". Dumbledore laughed at her enthusiasm I turned to Dumbledore and asked "so when do we leave" "now" he said as he pulled out a torn shoe out of his robes and asked us to hold on to it. He explained to us that it was a port key a way that wizards got around. As we held on to the port key I looked over at Dani and said "looks like we're going to Hogwarts at that we both smiled as we were whisked away.

Guy sorry that this took me some time to write I want to update this story every Friday (school starts on Monday for me so sorry in advance) that's all for now until next time BYE BYE BYE (love you all)

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