The Sad Beginning

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Chapter 1,

It begins in night, as most sorrowful stories do.

6 years ago

"Castor, look at that constellation, do you see it? We named you after that constellation, Gemini," Alice Stellin whispered. The recognizable color of her cheeks always comforted her child.

"Momma, are you sure? I just wanna be a good regular boy, not a shining star like that guy." he innocently replied. Castor stared at the twin star formation. Castor and Pollux... he was Castor and yet no Pollux. Naturally being a child he was at first confused, but nonchalant. Alice Stellin was still with her son, they still lived in New York, and the child was happy. The feeling, the love, they are almost foreign concepts to him. But that was before he was hunted, a month later in their apartment Castor was having dinner with his mom when a sharp gust came from the balcony and shattered the wooden doors to crisps. Happily having his favorite meal, pork cutlet with steamed rice, he saw the rosy pink color drained from Alice's face. To him he saw at the balcony level what looked like a veiled person.

"Mommy needs to talk to this person okay honey? Good." my mom quickly whispered. Like a ghost, Castor suddenly found himself in the closet.

"Wha-How did I get here? Mommy! Help I'm stuck in the closet!" Castor shouted, but he only heard crashing furniture. Eventually he heard her shout something muffled, like, "vi-g-!" And then everything went silent. He just sat there waiting for her mom to come out and pick him out of the closet. Castor waited, and waited until like his childish self, he got so impatient Castor left the closet and went to the kitchen. The whole place was sparkling clean, everything in its place, it looked to him as if a mob of perfectionists paid a visit to a small shabby room in New York. But no mom. He figured she was probably out with that veiled person. So Castor finished his dinner and put my mom's in the fridge for his mom who would not get it. He waited for hours, until it was bedtime. With gauntly yawn he crawled to his room and onto his comfy bed. She'll be here in the morning, he thought, she always comes home on time when she has to work late. But she never came back to that apartment. The next morning he woke up and walked back to the kitchen, Castor rubbed my eyes to see a blurry figure in black.

He gasped, "A robber!" and lept to the couch and pulled out his just-in-case-of-emergency-bat-to-beat-the-crap-out-of-a-robber bat. Castor found the handle and whipped it out. With a squeal he charged at the black figure and found himself running into a soft, familiar smell... Uncle Rocky! Castor looked up and rubbed his crusty eyes some more to find himself staring up into the dark blue eyes of his uncle. He had a friendly smile on his face, but it felt like it was a mask of happiness that was hiding worry and stress. Embarrassed, he quickly threw the bat away and offered him some coffee. My uncle's kind features looked tired, he used to have minimal wrinkles and laugh lines, with deep sea blue eyes. He had an athletic build for a 42 year old and light brown tousled hair.

He said with his crisp Australian accent, "Now child, don't fret about me... now I bet you're wondering why your mother hasn't been home for a while, yes?" Castor nodded," Well as it seems your mother has decided to take a sort of, er-break. Isn't that good for her?" Castor nodded innocently, totally unaware of the supernatural happening," ... So, until she comes back, you will stay with me." Castor cheered and laughed even though the situation was in fact grim.

"This is going to be wonderful! How long am I going to be staying with you in California?" he asked elatedly. Castor had know idea that he would be staying there for most of his childhood. Then Uncle Rocky did something really weird, he took his ring finger, and pressed into my hand. His vision turned out immediately. He saw a brilliant flash of silvery light before he came to. Castor saw his uncle's face had turned from happy to urgent,

"Now listen carefully, you are born from a family, where we are all born under the descent of constellation spirits. You for one are a Gemini child Castor. You are what is called a Wielder, each constellation spirit passes down an object of power that can be summoned at will. Our family is famous for having many wielders, but never has a child of two Wielders come out as a Wielder, Castor, you are something extremely rare and powerful that needs to be protected. other gifted families are coming after you. That veiled figure was a bounty hunter that is extremely skilled, they are famous for never losing their prey, in fact you are the first time, in fact-" he looked at the window and peered out until Castor noticed it too, a veiled figure, or as he now sees it as a bounty hunter. It shattered the windows and came flying for him. Uncle Rocky jumped in my way and chanted,

"Spirit of Leo, give me your strength!" and as that happened Castor's imagination, or his reality, showed him what looked like a lion circling protectively around Rocky, then Rocky reached out and pulled out what looked to be a medieval sword. He went to do battle with the bounty hunter. He parried and jabbed until he feinted to the hunter's left and stabbed it at the collarbone. Castor foolishly clapped but then realized there was another one, and it was hurtling right towards him with its arms outstretched. Rocky turned around and saw the hunter to late, he was to far away to do anything. Then suddenly, everything froze, like on a computer how its on the middle of loading, then it just stops. Castor looked around, the hunter's hand was right at his neck which no one would be to fond of so he fidgeted his way out of its grasp and looked around. The curtains were suspended in midair, Rocky's face of horror as he didn't realize he was fine. He walked out onto the balcony and rubbed his temples, this was way to much for a simple 6 year old, he looked up and found Gemini and asked desperately,

"What should I do?" And apparently a star wanted to answer. Materializing from nothing two figures emerged they were obviously twins, but they were also in completely different outfits. One wearing a tuxedo, the other wearing a Greek warrior. They spoke separately in very delicate tones, the one in the tux spoke first,

"Good show young man, I see you are going to be a powerful one... indeed yes, innocent enough, definitely, What do you think Gem?" The Greek replied,

"He has courage, a necessity to be able to be our servant. He will have a great balance in brains and brawn I see..." This time they spoke loudly together,

"Castor of Gemini, We grant you passage to spirit of The Twin!" and then everything flashed and suddenly he found himself back at the grasp of the hunter, except now he was ready. In fact; now there were two steaming, savage war blades in his hands. Somehow, he knew when time would resume, so when it did, Castor did the only thing that came naturally. He chopped. Castor was waving the swords like a 3 year old having a tantrum, but it was probably much scarier for the hunter. Imagine being at the mercy of an untrained child who has two deadly weapons in his hand. Yea, a scary factor. The bounty hunter hissed through whatever he had under that veil, and flew out. Uncle Rocky looked shocked, Castor had just done the 14th century Blade Dance, never in all his years of training the Wielders of the family has he came upon a child like this. Castor just shrugged modestly, he didn't know what a Blade Dance was yet, so he just giggled at my uncle's gaping, fish-like face. Rocky pulled himself together, wiped dust off his coat and said nonchalantly,

"Well, that was... interesting. So. From now on you'll be living with me until you go Astrum Academy of course. Do we have a deal?" He may as well have signed my life to the devil and agreed with a large grin. "Remember, no matter what, you are always Castor Stellin."

He is, Castor Stellin

But that was long ago, now he's been trained for battle and now, he is going to Astrum Academy where he'll learn about his powers. Powers that can easily determine the threads of eternity, and reality. He is Castor, he is the Gemini Wielder, and he now wishes more than ever, he wasn't.

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