The Homecoming | Merry Christmas

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"I was going home - I dreamt," Lunox spoke out of nowhere while she was resting beside Minotaur.

After a long journey of collecting the jades to open the maze again, the winter had come to the land of dawn.

"Although we could not go home this year, we might be able to next winter, my friend," said Mino.

"Well, I hope that time will come," she replied.

"I guess, it's time huh..." he responded while he was trying to touch snowflakes falling from the sky, "the protector of the land of dawn, Lunox, Merry Christmas."

"Ahahah...don't be too formal. I told you to call me Lunox. Anyway, Merry Christmas."

They rest beside the firebond they made since that early evening.

On the opposite side of their resting location, there was a huge stream in where water barely made their way to flow. The weather surrounding the forest was way too cold, yet Mino and Lunox tried to keep themselves warm and kept walking.

"Where are you heading to, Miss?" Mino asked.

"Mino? Lunox only is fine," Lunox insisted, "we are actually heading home."

"Huh? Home is not this way. It's South from here," said Mino.

"Hmmm...what does home mean to you, then if I may ask," Lunox began to ask a question, "listen, Mino, I know that you lost your kingdom, your parents, your people and your land, but..."

"It's enough, Miss," Mino said and walked ahead faster - away from Lunox.

"Wait...Ok, if you don't want to talk about it," Lunox shouted.

They kept walking until it's noon then they decided to take a break for their lunch beside the stream. It had been such a silence.

"Ah...Mino, did you notice something odd around here?" asked Lunox.

He said "About?"

"Notice, the weather is getting gloomy and tons of electric going on even in the bush!" said Lunox.

"Sorry, I didn't," he replied.

"Rest and Get yourself ready for the battle," she commanded, "the signal of mine has changed to the Chaos side."

"Roger, Ma'am," he responded.

They were resting yet wide awake. Rarely they knew where they had stepped in. Across the forest, there's nothing yet the darkness, mist and the land covered with snow. Silence was covering all over the place - only the bat noises and insects around.

"I am going to take a nap for a while," said Lunox, "would you mind to get me some water?"

"Ok, ma'am, I am going now."

After he nodded to accept Lunox's request he then walked into the mist covering the path towards the stream. Whilst he was thinking about his home demolished by the Dark Abyssal.

He could not stop blaming himself on being no use for his people and kingdom. He felt he was a coward who was mad and enclosed himself in practices in the maze.


He suddenly heard Lunox's shout for help. He looked up, and what he could see was the lightning flashing all over where Lunox was napping. Nothing else he could feel except from guilts of leaving her, the one who saved his land and people, and drove away the Dark Abyssal. Even the protector of the land, he could not save here. Once he came to realization, his face was covered with tears.

He ran and ran as if it was the last day, and the last second of his life. He cared nothing except from saving Lunox, the savior of the Mino Maze.

"Miss Lunox! Ma'am!"

He found nothing - it's really nothing. There's no footsteps and no traces. Not even a leaf of bushes nearby damaged - so did any smell were left.

He kept running though he did not know where he was heading to. The speed was too fast to be stopped by any - neither the trees ahead could hinder him to go through the path he was heading to.

He suddenly saw the dim in a circle shape with a strong energy which was ready to suck everything in front of it in. Once he saw, it's too late to halt. "Nothing left to lose when I could not protect my savior", he thought.

He was sucked in and surrounded by darkness. Once he opened his eyes again, he realized that he was in the Celestial Palace's annually festival. In front of him, Lunox, Kaja and Uranus were decorating the Christmas Tree, and laughing.

He woke up and everyone ran towards him.

"You finally woke up. Come help us. We are getting ready for this evening's Christmas Events," said Kaja.

Lunox said, "Welcome back home, Mino."

Lunox gave him a wink and then walked back to continue decorating the tree.

"I thought I will never be able to go back home," he realized, "yet here, I am in the Celestial Palace, where she called it home.

Maybe we do not need to be home to feel as we are home - isn't called home to be in a place where your friends and your love are."

He thought....


Merry Christmas Everyone!

Wish you an exciting and a happy new year!


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