4. Mistake

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Tom's P.O.V.

Edd and i sat and talked together. It was really nice, and i just love Edd's company. We were talking about horror-movies, when we heard a insane laughter. It sounded like it came from outside. I was looking down at the restaurants big window, but couldn't see anything but people's silhouettes.

"Did you hear that, Edd?" i asked Edd, and looked a bit worried.

"H-heArd whut?" Edd said, while his head laying down at the table. I smiled at how silly he looked. Is it really how i am when i am drunk?

"T-Toooom..." Edd said, and got up. I chuckled a bit, and answered: "Yes?"

"WhY arrrre youHou scho pratty?" Jeeze, not this again. Somehow Edd thinks i'm a hot, muscular pineapple-boy, with a cute butt when he's drunk. At any rate that what he said. He is actually kinda cute, when he's drunk. Wh-what am i thinking? I don't like Edd. Or do i? Edd sent me a playful smile, while his head was resting on his hand. Th, that little goof. I smiled at Edd, and suddenly i felt a hand on my hand. I looked down to see Edd's hand, and then up to see him with a serious look at his face.

"Tom..." he said serious. He said that actually in the same way a moment ago, before he kissed me, and it was kinda awkward for me. Not for Edd, because he got drunk by the first drink we got. I don't think Edd can handle alcohol very well. Suddenly my thought gets interrupted by Edd's soft lips. My whole body was in shock, like last time. Oh Jehovah, why can't Edd handle alcohol? Wait, didn't Edd just kiss me for like five seconds last time? It last longer this time. Suddenly i could feel something there was trying to get in to my mouth. Oh, it must me Edd's tongue. He licked my lower lip like he asked for permission. And i accepted. I closed my eyes, and put my arms around his neck. We start kissing roughly and it feels so... good. Edd started to explore my mouth with his tongue, and i grabbed his hair. We stopped kissing to get some air, and Edd looked into my eyes, with his beautiful green shining eyes. STOP TOM! You're not in love with Edd, and he's not in love with you. It's only because he's drunk, that he kissed you. Edd yawned and smiled playfully.

"You areee not scho bad at kisching." I smiled at Edd, and ask about we should go home.

"Nooooo. I warnt mure drinksss."

"Nope, no more drinks for you, sir," i laughed, and took Edd under the arm.

"Fine," he sighed, and with a little trouble, we got out at the restaurant, and made it to the car. I sat Edd down in the front seat with me. I started the car, and began driving home. Edd looked kinda dizzy, and i was afraid of that he will throw up. I won't be up to clean up his vomit. Suddenly i felt a poke on my cheek. I turned my head around to see Edd, with a smug on his face. I rolled my eyes, and looked back at the road.

"Oh, cwome ooonn," Edd said. "I want attention~." Edd leaned forwards to me, and bite my ear. I got chills all over my body, and a shocked look on my face.

"E-Edd i-i'm try-trying to c-concentrate o-on the road." Thankyou Edd, you make me stutter!

"You're scho cute when you stutter, Tommy," Edd said seductively. Oh boi. I started driving a bit faster, so i could get that drunk ass in bed.

"Waw, you're hot when you're driving." Seriously, how drunk is he? We finally came home, and i helped Edd out of the car. His right arm was around my neck, and my left arm was around his hip to support him. I knocked on the door, and after some time, the devil himself opened the door.

"Well, well, well, look what we got here," Tord said devilish. "Looks like little Edd is a bit tired." Edd looked up when he heard his name, and said: "You can be that yourself, Satan." I started laughing at Edd called Tord Satan, but stopped when i looked at Tord's angry face. Not because i'm afraid of him or something, is just because i don't wanna piss him off, so he wants to close the door. Tord standed aside and let me and Edd enter. I walked upstairs, and into Edd's room. I laid him down on his bed, and when i was about to walk out, Edd grabbed my wrist, and i looked at him.

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