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it was old

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it was old. but not dingy looking. actually, old but classy old, y'know? the building looked almost like a haunting house, but it was more welcoming than one from a horror movie. you could see the lights were on, so the question of someone being home was now answered, after all, at least 1 of the 7 tenants had to be home. at least, or else you'd have walked up a whole bunch of stairs for no reason.

you pressed the white button which you presumed to be the doorbell.

inside the house, seven heads shot up.

"she's here!" one yelled excitedly, bouncing on his feet.

"shh! she can't know we were waiting!"

"no! you shh! she could hear us right now."

"just go to your rooms idiot and let me handle her. don't even think about coming downstairs while we talk."

you waited patiently, peaking into the glass window of the door trying to catch a glimpse of the inside. as your eyes were finally able to see a peak of the inside, a pair of brown eyes met your own. the way the sun hit it made it look lighter, which made you grin at the male.

in a second, the door was opened and a tall, handsome young man was smiling at you.

"i'm sorry for taking so long, had to get the others in order." he grinned and welcomed you inside. "we can talk in the dining room."

he led you to the large dining area, a long table greeting you with more than enough chairs to feed more than 10 people. "so i take you're interested in our offer?"

you smiled weakly, pulling out the letter in your bag. "before talking about things like that, i would first like to know your name," pointing at the smiley face at the bottom you chuckled, "this doesn't really give me much to know about you, or whoever had written it."

he looked at the smiley face himself, almost like's never seen it before either. suddenly, a deep chuckle left his throat making you blush at the sound. it was so...manly.

"i'm sorry about that, it must've been one of the tenants. rather playful he is. my name is Kim Namjoon, Namjoon or Joon is fine though. i'm sorry for my friend's mistake...can't believe i missed it before mailing it to you." he looked down ashamed of his slip up, scratching behind his ear. "he meant well, i'm sorry if it creeped you out in some way."

how could he have guessed it creeped you out? well, who knows maybe he thought the action of his 'friend' was odd himself.

"ah, no, it's fine. simply curious as to who wrote such a persuasive letter," you took in a deep breath. "i am interested in the job after all. i just want to go through the facts of payment and requirements."

he nodded in understanding. "ah, of course. well, we can pay you well as well as provide food and housing. we do live pretty far from the town and it would be more efficient if you had stayed with us, here. and the specifics of payment would be about $9,000 a month. possibly more."

your eyes had budged. and he noticed. and he let out that manly, attractive chuckle. his shoulders shook slightly with his movement.

"you mean, like a thousand? a month?"

if you were being paid that much in a month you could easily live off this job for the rest of your life!

"yes, ma'am."

"y/n is fine, Namjoon...but you are absolutely sure that i will get paid $9,000 a month, along with housing and food if i choose so?" it seemed too good. it couldn't be real. all due respect, he seemed trustworthy, but that much money seemed suspiciously high. your inner gut was telling you 'no.'

"yes, and we are absolutely sure we can suffice that amount of money for as long as you want. we do not play with the proper treatment of you if you were to stay and work with us." he said, pushing his rimmed glasses higher up his nose. "that is if you choose to stay, which we do hope you do."

"i-" you cut yourself off, not wanting to decide too early. you needed questions answered first.

"how come i've never heard of this place, do you guys simply like privacy? and it seems you are the only one home, where are the other 6?" you inquired, putting out the simple questions first.

"ah, the other 6 are here, they are just shy. it's been a while since we've seen a be- female..." you failed to notice the pink dusting his cheeks, he had caught himself before he said 'beautiful.' that sure would've scared you.

"okay, i understand that."

"as for why we're so isolated from others is simply because we enjoy our privacy. there was a point when we were in high school when we wouldn't have any private life. it really damaged us, so we're living here now. although, i should mention that most of us have our own jobs. some of us even work in the city, including me." he spoke calmly, his words sounding so perfect and smooth. he was reeling you into saying yes to his proposal. and it was working. the word was almost going to roll off your tongue at this point.

"so what do you say?" he questioned after a moment of silence. he was internally yelling for you to accept. but he would have to stay quiet for now.

"i think...i need time to think."

sadness was on his face.

"i need to make sure i am willing to completely dedicate myself to this job. and i thank you for answering my questions and concerns, i am very much leaning towards yes." you assured. "but don't get your hopes up, please. i just need a few days to think this over, Namjoon." with that you stood up from the table, him following your actions.

"ah! okay, we understand. do contact us again if you are sure you want this job." he said kindly, although you could hear and see the disappointment in his eyes and voice. he walked you to the door, waving you off with a kind smile.

you returned to your household, collapsing onto your couch with a stressed look. you really needed this job, but there was a part of you yelling out that it was un-safe. but doesn't everyone feel like that with new, unfamiliar things? especially jobs, yeah?

after mulling over the thought of accepting, you came to a conclusion.


"taehyung, i swear if it's because of your stupid smiley face she doesn't accept this, i will personally mutilate you."

"whatever. it was cute, she seemed to like it." the male blushed at the thought of you liking something of his. "i can't believe how pretty she is in person."

"you should see her up close, so magnificent."


knocking on the door of the familiar door, you fiddled with your thumbs. in a few seconds, the door was opened wide by Namjoon himself.

"ah, you've come back...and with good news, i hope?" his voice was light and happy, which caused you to smile. when you realized your actions, that including some staring on your part, you coughed behind your hand, regaining your stoic expression.

"yes, and i came here to properly tell you..."


a/n- aha, cliffhanger-sorta-kinda-not-really. anyway apologies on to how short this chapter was, i can assure the next one will longer tho!

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