
Creating a Lucky Web Dragonella will cost 3 Pink Swirl stones. They have 1 baby per litter. They require 40 days to gestate. Breeding a pair of Lucky Web Dragonella will cost 1 Minty Green Stone. They will have 1 baby and require 40 days to gestate. The gestation period can be lowered to sixteen days by using pregnancy potions. They cannot be used to create any other hybrids at this time.

Encyclopedia Entry

Dragonellas are the smallest known members of the dragon family. These little creatures come in many species and typically have a wingspan anywhere from one to 6 feet, depending on which species they belong to. They are also known as three-toed dragons, and are also the only known dragons that can perch like birds. They frequently live in trees and make nests in tree hollows. They survive on fruit, nuts, small animals, fish, and insects, and this diet also varies by species. Some species of dragonella live in solitary mated pairs while others live in groups or clans. 

Dragonellas are capable of breathing fire like firedrakes, although they are not true members of that group. They also often have magical abilities, which vary wildly depending on the species. 

This Dragonella is a hybrid resulting from the mating of an Arachnid Dragonella and a Lucky Dragonella. Hybrids sometimes occur between closely related species, and are usually some kind of blend of the parents. This hybrid is called a Lucky Web Dragonella.


The Faenix was first released on July 11th of 2018

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The Faenix was first released on July 11th of 2018. There are currently five patterns, none of which are hybrids.

In Game Description

The Faenix is a rarely seen and even more rarely captured large bird found in remote areas of the Xanje worlds. Many people go their whole lives without ever seeing one in the wild. This bird is known to feed on a variety of things in nature, from fruit to fish to small land creatures. Much about these avians is still unknown. But one thing that is widely told about them is their powerful fire abilities, through which they are able to rebirth themselves.



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