He has no idea how to act like a teenager. Realistically act like one or talk like he is normal. Imitating someone else is however within his skill set.

Hates his reflection. When he looks at the surface all he sees are the labels he's been given or someone lost, struggling to define himself.

Draws attention to himself for conflict or approval.

Unspecified disorders and abuse as a result of his upbringing. After trying to be better, he blames every negative trait on his father claiming that without him he would've been the best version of himself and undamaged. Eobard put significant doubt on that idea  saying some of it is just genetics, his own flaws. Thad doesn't know what could be true.

Considers himself the abomination  amalgam of his family tree.

His speed is so much of his identity, if he lost it he would never be the same. If he was 'cured.' He wouldn't be grateful. He would do anything to get it back.

He does enjoy hurting people like Eobard. There's no excise for that, and he knows it. He inherited that from his father. He does want to hid the dark impulses, to pretend he can rise above it. But doubts it would ever happen.

He wants to have his own personal flashpoint in which Nora raised him. Where he wasn't damaged, and always had family. But he knows he can't play god, and he can't risk it. Promising to be the one not to change the timeline.*

If he could just spend one afternoon at Jitters with Nora, he could die happy.

He's gone over everything in Nora's journal. Unlike speedsters he doesn't lose the knowledge he absorbs when he speed reads.

He is the only known speedster with green lightning. It's a mystery he doesn't understand, how green came from a history of yellow, red, and purple lightning. Or the inherited speed force connection.

He hates what he sees when he looks in the mirror. He's been known to shattering the mirror and pick up the glass shards.

He visits the Time Vault ( Eobard Thawne's secret room.) and occasionally sleeps there.

Expects the worst from everybody and doesn't have high hopes for their treatment of him.
Eobard has broken and scarred him on the inside and out. So he doesn't react that much to his own pain.

He is protective of Nora, extremely protective.

He considered Ralph a fool, then a friend and finally a coach. 

Doesn't consider himself a member of the West-Allens. At first.

Follows the West-Allens constantly similar to what Nora did. Only he doesn't draw attention to himself or talk to them.

Sadistic impulses, and loves using his power to fight, to break. Likes to rub it in people's face when he takes someone from them.

Scared by a certain member of Team Arrow.

One of his greatest fears is Cecile picking up on his thoughts and learning everything about him.

Cisco constantly compares and calls him Malfoy due to Thad's attitude, hair color, and his preference of wearing black and green. After learning upon Thad's parentage, and upbringing he compared him to Anakin, Loki, Daken, Starscream . Thad's constantly glaring after the comparisons.  Post changes it has not ended, the list growing linger, Tommy Oliver, Artemis Fowl, Eustance Scrub. Chester chiming in with Kylo Ren. The list kept growing

 Killer Frost nicknamed him Dexter. It's unclear if she means the cartoon character or the serial killer character or both of them.And then calling him Kline because of his gold eyes. 

AS I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MB\SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora