Chapter Two

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A/N: This chapter has triggers, but I will put warnings before and after. 

stay safe my loves!

W/C: 3664

Seven years later

~bulling warning~

    Jack was walking home after school. He was now in junior year. He was not the most popular kid in school. He wasn't even what you would call a nerd. He was even outcasted by the "nerds". He wasn't in a big flock, he wasn't as good looking as the cardinals or the blue jay, according to them, and he wasn't happy. He was constantly mentally and physically abused.

    "Hey Ross!" James called out from behind Jack. James was the leader of the popular flock. Which consisted of eagle wings, Blue Jay wings, cardinal wings, and Owl wings. And if you are in the popular flock, you would pick on smaller less popular flocks. But in Jack's luck, today Vailyn, his best friend, had gone home sick and he was all alone. Vailyn was a scarier person. Her hair was always down even though she had short hair it was down to her shoulders making her hair longer than other girls in their grade, her head was always down reading or studying something, and her wings were owl wings, the most imitating Wings of all the girls in the entire school. The popular flock have tried to get her on their side, but she would just stare at them with dead looking eyes. Normally when Vailyn was there everyone, even the popular flock, would be scared to even look at Jack. But unfortunately she wasn't there, meaning James and his friends could do whatever they wanted to the poor boy.

    "Hey raven, he's talking to you." Zack said, pulling Jack down by his wings. Jack fell on his side not wanting to let a feather touch the ground.

    "Okay Ross, if you don't want to be hurt, sit up and start flying with stay on my side." James growled. But Jack did what he was told and stayed by his side. They flew for over half an hour before ending up at the foot of the Black woods.

    All of this felt way to familiar to Jack. As if he was forgetting something. He shook off the feeling and looked at James for his next instruction.

    "What are we doing here?" Jack asked.

    "You are going on a fly in the black forest. And don't come back until you find a rose. If you come back without one, we will break every bone in your wings, pluck every single one of your hideous feathers, then leave your disgusting self here. Now go you useless piece of crap." He said knowing that there was not a Dandelion to be found, let alone a rose, the creatures in the black forest didn't allow it. James punched Jack in the stomach, which made him cripple over. "I said go!" James said grabbing Jack's shirt collar, Too afraid to fight, Jack got up and flew into the trees.


    Jack had been flying for half an hour without a rest. It was dark, his wings were in pain, and there was a shining blue light piercing through the trees. He swooped down to the blue light and found a far too familiar fairy fountain.

    "J-Jack. Is that you." Jack heard a small voice behind him. He turned around to see a girl with huge brown wings. Jack jumped back and screamed.

    "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" He looked around Frantically and found a weak long stick. He picked it up and pointed it to her.

    "Jack calm down it's me Lorry." Lorry panicked.

    "What are you talking about?" Jack tried to comprehend what was happening, she looked way too familiar for his liking.

    "This!" Lorry yelled before throwing a small stone at him. The stone hit his chest and landed between his feet, he looked down and saw the familiar shape.

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