"Join me ." I tell him looking at the huge bath tub .

"Uhm no I'll just take a shower ." He blushes .

"Zion Christopher Jones , just get into the damn bathtub ." I groan leaning against the tub to relax .

I close my eyes and I feel myself breathing calmly . Zion comes into the tub and he sits behind me wrapping his arms around my waist as I lean against his chest .

"You really scared me earlier on ." He says into the silence .

"I know and I'm sorry ." I tell him turning my head to face him .

"Are you feeling better though ?" He asks me .

"I'll be at peace after visiting granny W and my grandparents ." I tell him turning completely around so that I was looking at him .

"Don't you wanna go for a check up ? I don't think I can lose you ." He tells me .

"Honestly ? There's no point ." I tell him holding his hands .

"Let's bath and go eat that breakfast yeah ?" He changes the topic and I smile thankfully at him .

He washes me and I do the same with him and we both get out the tub and I quickly wash it while he brushes his teeth . I join him while he brushes them and I brush my own teeth . As soon as we're done in the bathroom we both go into his closet and I quickly moisturize my body and I wear one of his tops and sweatpants .

I walk to the kitchen where I meet him .

"Seriously Zion ?" I look at the counter filled with food .

"We're taking some to Sarah and Justin , I'm sure they need food ." I shake my head at him taking a plate and filling it up .

"Can't you be a normal dude and punch stuff when you're stressed ?" I chuckle pouring myself a cup of orange juice .

"Do I look like a violent person ?" He smiles eating a pancake .

"I mean your scar screams I'm violent , but all I see is a cutie pie ." I walk over next to him taking a seat .

"Well true , but how do you know that I'm a cutie pie if you haven't tasted me ?" He smirks and I choke on my food .

"Zion really !" I hit his shoulder but he catches it .

"Come here ." He pulls me out of the chair and I comply .

"I love you okay ." He says wrapping his arms around my waist .

"I love you Zion . I know that you're busy with work and stuff and I doubt mom and dad will say no , can you at least join me when I visit your granny ?" I ask him with a bit of hope in my voice .

"Of course sunshine , you didn't have to ask ." He kisses me and I instantly kiss back .

I give him a hug trying to console myself even though I'm scared as hell .

"Let's get you to the hospital ?" He smiles picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder .

"Zion put me down you oak !" I hit his back and I pinch his butt .

Deceived Heart |✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora