Devil's Love

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"JANG WONYOUNG!!!" A voice echoes through the whole gymnasium

"Geez would you please shut up.." I turned my head and glared, "Ahn Yujin!"


"Oi look there's a fortune teller stand over there" Yujin pointed at the small tent beside the street

"I always wanted them to read about my love life" I said

"Ha! Like you will have a love life anyway" Yujin let out a laugh

"Jerk!" I hit her arms harshly

"Ow! What was that for?!" She wince in pain

"For being a jerk" I tugged her arms and drag her along, "now come on, let's see what the future hold for me"

We went inside the tent to be surprised by the pitch black of the space surrounding us, a crystal ball slowly lit up and showed us a lady wearing a glimmering silk around her head

"Welcome my child" she gestured to the seat in front of us, "please have a seat"

Me and yujin sat down at the opposite direction of the fortune teller lady

"Tell me what do you want child" the lady spoke

"I want to know about my love life, when will I meet them, and what kind of person is she/he" I spoke

"And what about you my child?" The lady asked to yujin

"No thanks, I'm good" Yujin refuses and plays with her phone

"Alright then my child, I will now read your fortune" the lady starts to rub the crystal ball and mumbles un-audible words

"The crystal has spoken" she looks at me, "You will meet the love of your life in Han River 50 days from now, her name has "jin" in it, she has a short neck length and raven colored hair" the lady spoke

- -

"So? Where's your so called "soulmate" huh?" Yujin quote on quote mock me

"Shut up will you? The said date is in 2 days so of course I haven't seen her" I playfully hit yujin in the arm

"You're such a foul girl you know that? If you weren't like that I would probably slightly attracted to you" Yujin fakely rubs her arm

"Yah I don't even want you to be attracted to me, you're a devil ascended from hell" I rolled my eyes

"Yah! You're so mean wonyoung-ah!" Yujin whines

"I mean it's the truth, you're evil, mean, and annoying" I shrugged my shoulder

"I hate you! I hope you stay single for the rest of your life!" Yujin yelled and walked away

I could never be with Yujin, she only take things as jokes, she loves to play with my feelings even though she knows that deep down that I'm in love with her..

At night

"BEEP" My phone notifications lit up the whole room

I opened my sleepy to and grabs my phone to see who message me in the middle of the night

Jang wonyoung you up?

Well I'm up now.. what do you want?

I'm bored.. let's got out
tomorrow at 11
I'll be waiting ;))

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