New Avenger?

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Ben walked into the party eager to find Tom. He knew no one else and, honestly, felt a bit claustrophobic.

"Ben?" said a voice.  He knew immediately that it belonged to Tom. "Ben! What are you doing here?"

"Joss Whedon invited me... I never thought I'd ever say that." the two laughed. Ben had watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer back in the day and still loved it. Guiltily he was a bit of a feminist and loved how Buffy Summers kind of supported the idea. "But I didn't know you were in the States?"

"I came back a few days ago. Sorry for not informing you. I've just been so tired and busy. You don't even know--well now that I think about it, you probably do." Ben chuckled at Tom's remark. "Anyway, I have been doing interviews and panels for 'Fall Out' and I know you have been busy with 'The Hobbit'. How has that been going?"

"Oh I am just really excited for the fans to see it! It's definitely going to keep them on their toes! But by playing a dragon comes a lot of work so, yes, I've been pretty busy."

Before Ben could continue the conversation,  all conversations were silenced by a ding ding ding. On a table stood Joss Whedon with an empty champagne glass.

"I decided to stand on a table because most of you are fairly taller than me," the crowd laughed at the remark. "Let me just say that I truly am glad to have the Avengers assembled after so long, and tonight I was hoping to get to know you all a little better before filming Age of Ultron by getting to know your friends. Now, the question in all our minds: why was Tom invited?"

The crowd erupted in laughter, a good amount from Tom himself. "Fair question!" Tom shouted above the remaining giggles.

"Well, Tom still has a considerable amount of Marvel movies left to do, at least on his contract, and because the Thor movies will only last for so long, Tom might be doing some work on the third Avengers movie." the crowd murmured in approval. "But of course we don't know for sure. Honestly, it's mainly because we all love Tom."

Ben wildly blushed at that and tried to hide it by applauding with the rest of the party.

"And as of tonight, we welcome all of you as Avengers. No movie deal needed."

The crowd laughed and began to cheer.

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