Jungkook just stood there as he watched Jimin walk away with his girlfriend's hand in his. He looked down and saw a piece of paper that wrote what he expected was Taehyung's phone number. He didn't know what to do with it though.

Should he call him?

No, he would just hang up once he realized it was Jungkook who was calling.

Should he text him?

See the thing is, if he texts him apologizing, it won't feel as genuine, plus Taehyung would probably just block him.

He didn't know what to do. He was about to throw the piece of paper away, he noticed something. He noticed that there was writing on the back on the piece of paper.

"His address?," Jungkook was confused.

Why would Jimin give him Taehyung's address?

He stared at the location written on the piece of paper and wondered what he should do with the information.

To be quite honest, he didn't know why he hated Taehyung. Neither of them has physically or mentally abused each other in the passed so Jungkook was confused. He just hated Taehyung because he knew Taehyung hated him.

"Should I go?"

"No, he's just gonna kick you out."

"But what if he doesn't"

"He's gonna kick you out"


Jungkook was having a mental quarrel. He stood there staring into space for a few seconds before he made his final decision.

I'm going.

He got up from his seat and grabbed his jacket, swinging it on his shoulder's as he ran out of the house and into his car, despite having a drink or two. He didn't know what he was getting himself into but all he wanted to do was apologize. He buckled his seat belt and took a quick glance at the address written on the piece of paper before typing the address into his GPS. He started his car and drove off.

This has never happened before. Every year, Jungkook grabs some girl from the party and takes her home to have a good fuck. This year was different for obvious reasons.

One, he kisses Taehyung and not some girl that he had intentions on fucking and two, he didn't take someone home with him.

It didn't feel comfortable. What he was doing wasn't what he usually does, but he was hoping that it would work out for him.


He drove for about a good fifteen minutes before arriving at his destination.

Taehyung lived in a nice building. It wasn't too modern, but it also wasn't outdated.

Jungkook successfully parked his car in the visitor parking before walking into the lobby. He walked up to the reception desk and was questioned almost instantly due to his walk. He had some sort of limp to it. It looked like he was drunk.

"Who are you here to see?" the receptionist asked.

"Umm... His name is Kim Taehyung," Jungkook spoke hesitantly because he was nervous the receptionist wouldn't let him through.

The lady then typed something on the phone as she dialled what Jungkook expected to be Taehyung's apartment.

"And your name is?" She asked nervously as she smelt the faint smell of alcohol reek from the boy.

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