Chapter 23: True Colours?

Start from the beginning

"Can I help you?"


"Caiden, huh?"

I sighed. I was dreading this moment. "Look, Caiden and I were just talking last night and then we fell asleep." I shrugged it off.

"That's cute." I ignored him. I honestly wanted to slap that smirk off his face. "But it's about time my best friend got a girlfriend."

"Ugh. I'm not his girlfriend. He'd kill you if he heard that."

"Eesh. True." 

"You guys are best friends?"

"Yep. He's been my best friend since he was seven and I was eight - ever since he moved to my primary."

"How old are you guys again?" I tilted my head a little.

Jonathan walks into the common room with a sandwich in his hand.

"Jonathan's our little baby who's only fifteen." Jonathan stopped in his tracks and stared at us like a deer caught in headlights until Chase threw a pillow at him. Jonathan winced. 

"Do you see how they treat me, Alexa? Just 'cause I'm the youngest?" Jonathan pleads.

I glared at Chase.

Chase threw his hands in the air. "Look at him, he has a baby face and I bet ya all my money, he's going to get another sandwich, that fat ass." Jonathan turns around after closing the fridge with a sandwich in his hand. He looks at us like a deer once again. I laugh and shake my head. He slowly walks to the table and eats his sandwich while reading a comic book. Adorable. "Yeah, so anyway, after Jonathan, it's Caiden who's eighteen. I'm almost a year older than Caiden and Noah's twenty."

"In order of maturity, Chase is last." Jonathan said with a mouthful of food and kept his eyes locked on his comic book.

Chase looks at him. ... "DC sucks!" He yells at Jonathan. He then looks back at me.

Jonathan glares at the back of his head and went back to his business.

Children. I shook my head and mentally chuckled.

"Did he tell you about his childhood? Oh wait, shit, sorry, I shouldn't ask. Everything's just between you two." He winks at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, he did but I know there's more to the things he said." I was reminiscing on last night's happenings when it turned really emotional. I was sobbing but I've been an emotional wreck since I came here. I still don't know the entire reason.

"Oh yeah. That's the thing with Caiden. There's always more. You just gotta give time."

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting everything to come out in one night. I was already so surprised he wanted to even talk."

"Well, I'll tell you that it wasn't easy to get Caiden to crack. For the past month almost everyday, I've been hearing Caiden and Noah bickering like an old married couple about treating you more decently and actually getting to know you and it eventually worked." He smiled ear to ear. I looked down and smiled. Chase sighed. "I know it's still hard for you to trust us and we understand completely." 

Then I remembered they were there when I said all those impulsive things yesterday in the elevator with Caiden. "Surprisingly enough, I you guys. It's just funny comparing now to when I first arrived almost a month ago."

"Yeah, we were dicks."

"You were doing your job. Oh and, sorry for kicking your, the van." I scrunched my nose.

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