Malick frowned. "Fury. If this goes south, we'll have your head."

"Feel free," bit back the Director. "I have a report to make." Malick's holographic feed shut off and Fury turned back to the group. "Hill, get me Tony Stark."

"Yes, sir," she replied with a nod. Tapping some buttons on the panel before them, it didn't take long before Tony Stark stood before them in holographic form.

"You rang, Nick?" Tony looked around him. "I think this is the first time I actually used this tech. It works great." He turned back to Fury. "You're lucky I'm a genius. Took awhile to design."

"Stark if you can stop talking for thirty seconds," muttered Fury as he held his head in his hand. "We need you to design another floor of the new Tower headquarters."

Tony smirked. "What, is this for the kid Agent Barton went after?"

Clint walked over into view of Tony. "What happened to super secret spy stuff, Tony?"

"That's your job, not mine," Tony replied with a wink as Fury looked at Clint in exhasperation.

"Remind me why I keep you as an agent. You don't do secret mission very well," Fury told Clint with a shake of his head. He looked over to Natasha. "This is what happens when you're not watching him."

Clint rolled his eyes. "I asked Tony for some money to get her music since I blew up her phone."

"Uh huh," Fury rolled his eyes right back. Then he turned back to Tony Stark. "Since you already seem privy to her situation I'll leave it at that."

"I could use more info," Tony clarified. "What's her favorite color, what music does she like? I don't design from nothing. And remember Nick, I'll be calling in some favor later I'm sure."

Paige stood watching out of view. She knew of Tony Stark more than any other member of the Avengers she had met thus far. His face had been plastered all over the news for years. She had used a homeless shelter he'd founded in New York City last time she'd been there. His face had been prominent there. The only homeless shelter or food bank that she liked more was the one founded by PRIDE in Los Angeles.

"Orange," she said a moment later. Her arms crossed over her chest as she walked into view of Tony Stark's hologram. "And black."

"Well hello," Tony chuckled. He looked her up and down. "So you're the music girl."

She hesitated. With a shrug she answered him, "I suppose that's better than witch..."

"So are you joining the Avengers? We're a tight knit group you know, might be hard to fit right in with us." Tony looked over at Fury. "Nick, she's joining us?"

"For now," replied Fury with a sigh. "Hill, get Stark out of here."

"Wait wait," Tony held up his hand. He looked over at her again. "What's your name?"

She straightened up. "Paige."

"I'll have Pepper get to work on your suite." Then he turned to Clint and Natasha. "You two are moving in right? The suites are done."

Clint laughed. "Tony, I'll text you about that."

"Don't forget, Legolas."

He rolled his eyes. "At least if I move into the Tower I'll have you to buy me electronics."

"Oh trust me, the game systems are all here already." Then he turned back to Fury and Maria. "Natasha are you coming?"

"I don't think so."

"We've got seriously good vodka-"

"I don't drink that stuff anymore."

"Whiskey then." Tony winked at her. Then he turned to Maria Hill. "Feel free to make me disappear now. I've got other things to do than just me your telecommuter."

Maria Hill didn't have to be told twice. With the press of a button, Tony's image disappeared. Fury turned back to the three Avengers. "We need to put Paige through training. Are you two prepared to take over that responsibility, or do we need to keep her here until she's properly trained?"

"Shouldn't be a problem, sir," Natasha mused. "Clint will be there."

"Not you?" Clint looked over at her.

Natasha smirked. "Oh I will. Not at first though. I just want to leave Stark in suspense. It's incredibly fun to watch him squirm." At their looks of surprise she just shrugged. "He needs to be put back in his place."

Suddenly a knock sounded at the door. Maria pressed a button to let the newcomer know he or she could enter. They all turned to see who it was as a young woman with red hair entered carrying a venti sized coffee. She apologized, placing the coffee in front of Maria Hill before hurrying out.

"Hill how many cups is that today?" Fury asked in surprise.

She paused in the middle of taking a drink. She mumbled out, "Four." With the coffee swallowed she said, "Hey! It's good. I found a new one."

"What's it called? Is it better than Dunkin Donuts?" Clint was immediately intrigued and walked over to her. "Can I taste it?"

Natasha put her head in her hand. "Clint!" She watched as he ignored her.

"It's great! It's called Caribou Stew. It's Canadian. Absolutely fantastic." Maria took off the top. "Try it. Only a taste, Barton."

Natasha, Fury, and Paige watched him with expressions varying from mild annoyance to absolute amusement. After he tried it and confirmed it was good, Fury shook his head. He turned to Paige.

"You can go to New York with these two. Shield has a few private jets you can take back." Fury then turned to the two agents. "Steve Rogers will be going back with you. Now that Avengers Tower is finished enough for you all to move in, the Council wants Cap there and Rumlow in charge of STRIKE team down here."

"What if I don't want to?" Paige asked suddenly. All eyes turned to her immediately. She clarified, "I just... Is it like a prison? Am I going to be locked up in the Tower like some kind of real life Rapunzel?"

Fury frowned. "Locked up is a strong word, Miss Wilson. If you continue illegal activities, then absolutely you'll be locked up somewhere. I bet Malick would love to get you into the labs. But I hope you'll participate willingly."

"You can meet Thor," Clint reminded her. Then he turned to Fury. "Malick can find another experiment. He's always been too obsessed with the enhanced." He crossed his arms.

Fury didn't disagree. "You get a month, Miss Wilson. Make it count."

Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Trust me I wouldn't make her related to Thor if it didn't have a large impact on the storyline

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Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Trust me I wouldn't make her related to Thor if it didn't have a large impact on the storyline. I hope you stick around to find out!

I'm trying to get as many chapters out before my brain surgery, which sometimes means more than one a day. Consider it a cushion.

Let me know if I'm doing an okay good job! What about the story don't you like? That kind of thing.


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