"What's going on?" I ask.

"The soccer team is over there, and you know, they're handsome as fUck, so we all wanted to come look at them," she says dreamily.

Oh lord, better go around, I think to myself, turning on my heal and facing the opposite direction of everyone else. That is, until another group of students walk towards the crowd to catch a glimpse of the team, leaving me smack dab in the middle of it all.

Great, now I'm stuck. Now I have to wait till the entire fucking soccer team gets through the halls before I can even move again. I sigh. It's not that I have anything against the soccer team, quite the opposite actually. I enjoy watching the sport and even encourage my brother to try out for the team someday. But why does everyone have to worship them like they're royalty, dammit.

Deciding I have no better options, I try and push my way through the crowd to get to my destination, seeing as there are only a few minutes left before class. Mind you I like to be there early so I can talk with my friends.

With a few excuse me's and sorry's, I make my way to the front of the crowd. And yes there they are, standing in their little group while everyone fawns over them.

Breaking away from the herd of students, I briskly walk to class, of course, having to pass them along the way. Other students look at me as I block their view, but I can't be bothered with stupid shit like people staring. I continue to make my way to class, causing some of the team members to look my way, believing I'm heading for them. As I finally reach they're little wall that blocks the route to my class one of them speaks up.

"Can we help you?" He asks, a look of slight confusion on his face. Poor bastard probably thinks I'm here for him.

"Uh, yeah. You see you're all blocking the only fucking hallway that leads to my class, which is gonna start soon by the way. So if you could all just make like the Red Sea and part, that'd be great," I say sarcastically, my patience quickly wearing thin.

"Oh, sorry" he mutters in response, making way for me to pass through. The others, most likely having heard my complaint, also part, except for one, who proceeds to stand in my way instead of moving. He looks at me with slight irritation and I mirror his expression.

"Who do you think you are?" Is all he says.I scoff. Who do I think I am? In the words of Kanye West, I am Go-

"Hello?" He waves a hard in front of my face, cutting off my thoughts.

"Look, I'm just trying to get to class, which is nearly impossible with all of you building a wall bigger than the one Trump has wet dreams about." He clicks his tongue in response.

"I get that you may be irritated right now, but you could have just asked us nicely to move instead of cursing at us." Asked nicely? Who am I, Gandhi?

"You're right, I am irritated right now, and the fact that you're still in my way is making it worse."

"Well I'm not moving until you apologize to Jaehyun." Yuta makes a head motion to Jaehyun, the guy I asked to "part like the Red Sea."

"No Yuta, it's fine, let's just let her get to class," Jaehyun glances between Yuta and I, obviously just wanting to get this over and done with.

"YOU should be apologizing to ME since you're making me late for class," I retort.

Yuta and I glare at each other, neither one wanting to back down. Then Jaehyun jumps in again.

"Hey guys seriously, that's enough, we're gonna be late for class."

"She needs to apologize first," Yuta replies to Jaehyun's plea stubbornly, causing a sigh to escape Jaehyun's lips.

"Eunji, just go around him before you get in trouble for being late."

"Why are you defending her when I'm defending you?!" Yuta spits.

"Because if she's late one more time, her mom's gonna ground her, which means I'll have no one to hang out with at home. Now Eunji, would you please just go to class?" Jaehyun gives me a look, gently nudging me in the direction of my class.

"Fine. I'll see you later Jaehyun," I give one last glare to Yuta before continuing my path to class. Stupid, stubborn people, I think to myself as Yuta's face flashes in my head. At least I won't be grounded, thanks to Jaehyun.

I know what your thinking, "Oml how does she know Jaehyun." Well my dudes, he's my neighbor, been my neighbor since he came back from America after living there for four years. Our moms immediately hit it off and became best friends, which means our families spend a lot of time together. Since we're the same age, obviously we became friends too.

I finally arrive at my class and see my friends surrounding my desk, most likely waiting for me.

"What's up whores." I say.

"Why do you always greet us like that?" Minji, one of my best friends, asks.

"Come on Minji, you know that's how she shows us her love, by being rude" Jikyung, my other best friend, interrupts. I stick my tongue out at my the two as the teacher walks in.

"Good morning everyone. Let's get started, shall we?"


Chapter two dOne. *whips*

This was kind an introduction chapter for the characters, just so you know what they're like

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This was kind an introduction chapter for the characters, just so you know what they're like.

There will be more content for the other main characters in the next chapter so please look forward to it.

Bye hoes.

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