Chapter 11

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When I woke up, I panicked for a second. My eyes flew open. At first, I didn't remember where I was; I didn't even remember falling asleep. But there was no mistaking where I was. I could feel his body shaping the back of mine, his hand on my stomach, and his mouth of the back of my neck; I could feel his breath sway my hair. My blood was boiling in my veins. His heavy arm surrounded my fragile feeling body. The chills and the goose bumps only increased when he breathed out my name. I couldn't even breathe. I was frozen in place and I felt like I could never move again. Ever.

The first rays of sunlight were sneaking up to the window, and I was beginning to feel like this was my new reality. Was this not a dream after all?

What was I thinking? Of course it was a dream. The proof was in the chills running along my body.

I waited for almost an hour, feeling better than I've ever felt in my life. Eventually I turned around, because I couldn't wait to see his face again.

He moved slightly and opened his eyes. He smiled when he saw me and I smiled back. I realized he had been sleeping when he had whispered my name. He took my hand, laid it gently on his cheek, and then kissed it lightly. The peck had left a scorching mark where his lips had touched my skin.

I hesitated before speaking, because I didn't want to ruin to moment. But I had to ask. "What happened last night?"

"After we almost kissed?" he smiled half-heartedly. "Yes..." I had already gotten my answer. "You fainted. Again. And I put you to bed. I decided to take up on your offer, but I just couldn't stay on my side of the bed." He gave me an honest smile this time and kissed my palm again: "I hope that's ok." Then his face changed: "I mean, nothing happened if that's what you're asking."

I didn't answer; I couldn't speak. I just chuckled and laid my hand back on his cheek.

"We have a big day today; we'd better get it started." He got out of bed and stood up, and when he turned towards me I noticed he didn't have a shirt, and I could see his perfectly chiseled body. I looked away instinctively but my eyes kept glancing back furtively. I heard him laughing and I shut my eyes to try and regain my focus.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a car. I was fully dressed, in my own clothes, and my hair was up in a ponytail.

It was Kleio that was sitting in the car beside me.

"So, how do you like the place?" he said.

I was caught off guard, and was confused for a minute, but after a moment I regained control. All these emotions, all this nonsense... how could my brain be generating all of this? I'd never even had these types of dreams before. And they were getting sharper, more detailed, and longer. A lot longer.

"I love it, it's very...different." I couldn't keep my mind off Elis; where was he? He had left me in this car with Kleio. I guess he had more important "doctor" things to do than give me a guided tour of the city. I didn't ask Kleio where he was, though I was dying to know. This dream had gone from perfection to ordinary in the blink of an eye.

We came to a stop in front of a small blue house, proceeded by a big grass lawn, covered in violet and yellow flowers.

"Those flowers are gorgeous," I said.

"Yeah, they're tulips, I think. This is Maia's house; she wanted to see you as soon as possible, today. We're not going to stay very long. When we're finished, we're going to the beach." He smiled in encouragement.

"Okay... that'll be nice." It sounded almost like a question. I gave him a polite smile. I hadn't forgotten my first painful trip to the beach.

We got to the front door; it was solid black, and had a golden handle. It was an unusual one, but I liked it. Maia was opening the door as I was examining it.

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