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Certain parts of the story from Paul's point of view( I know seems like a rewrite a little)

Two weeks after the Return of Alice and Jasper




The imprints were watching Finding Nemo when the pack walked into the house with Jasper, Alice and Charlie. Kim rushed to Jared and threw herself into his arms. Sam went to Emily and kissed her scars before pulling her into his arms. Embry sat down in front of Ang and she started running her fingers through his hair. Jake sat down on a bean bag chair and pulled Leah into his lap. Quil sat down next to Bells since Claire was once again in her lap. Seth, Colin, Brady and him found seats where ever they could. Charlie sat down with Heather, Wren and the Elders at the table. Jasper and Alice stayed standing.

"What happened?" Old Quil asked.

"We got most of the newborns. The one that came on the rez was a distraction and it nearly led us right into a trap. There was about ten or fifteen newborns waiting for us. While we were busy with them, Victoria and her second in command went after Charlie." he told them.

"Thank goodness, Alice and Leah were with me. The red-headed bitch tried to crash my cruiser. I used her and that boy of hers as target practice. I think I might have hit them a couple times. Unfortunately both of them got away when we thought we almost had them cornered." Charlie said. Sue placed her hand on his arm.

"That has to be her gift." Bells said looking at Jasper and Alice.

"Of course, why didn't I see it before." Alice said. "James was a tracker if his mate was someone that is some kind of escape artist, they would be a perfect fit." So, she a fucking Houdini, that's fucking great.

"She has always been able to give us the slip just before we get her cornered." Sam said joining the conversation.

"If her gift is the ability to get herself out of being trapped, how are we ever going to get close enough to destroy her." Bells asked looking at all of them.

"Why don't you distract her with what she wants most?" Emily said.

"You are suggesting we use Bells as bait?" Leah growled at her cousin.

"It's a good idea, Bella could lead her to a place that the pack is at and since she would be distracted be her need for revenge I doubt she would notice any of you until it was too late to get away." Heather said trying to defend her sister. Of course you would like the idea and if something happen to Bells you would be happy you bloody harpy.

"As much as I hate to admit it, it could work." Bells told them. "I don't think I should be the one to personally lead her somewhere though. Would my scent be enough to get her to the clearing. We could use my blood if needed. Jasper said newborns lose themselves to the blood lust easily if the scent of blood was there..."

"I don't fucking think so." Jake, Leah, Quil, Embry, Sam and he growled at her.

"Why not? Give me one good reason and I will never bring it up again." she demanded taking Claire out of her lap and standing up.

"Shit!" all of them said.

"I will let all of you discuss this. I am going to head home." she said. "Em, can you bring Ang back in the truck. I need to walk."

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