Chapter 3

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One Week after Leah and Seth phase

"Shit!" Jake yelled as he slammed out of Sue's house.

The entire pack, save Quil who had phased last night, were there for Harry's funeral. Bella was the only member of the pack, save her brother, that Leah would let near her. She knew that Leah still wasn't completely ready to see Sam or Emily. She was pissed at Emily more than she had been before she knew about the imprint. The fact that Emily could have chosen to be friends with Sam not lovers pissed her off. Bella had let her rant for hours because she knew that was what Leah needed more than anything.

Today was the first time the pack had seen the three of them, Harry had lasted a couple more days so Sue, Seth and Leah along with her dad and Billy had been able to say goodbye. Bella hadn't been surprised at all when Jake had come in and imprinted on Leah the moment their eyes had met.

Unfortunately it seemed to upset Jake because he just ran out. Bella sat next to Leah and held her hand, she knew the strong girl was trying to keep from crying. She doesn't want them to think she is weak. Dammit Jake, stop being a spoiled brat, she is your imprint and she just lost her dad. Get back here! She squeezed Leah hand and stood up to go after the spoiled baby Alpha when Emily and Sam walked into the house. Today would be the first time Emily and Leah had been any where near each other in a very long time. She automatically stood in front of Leah, she had a need to protect the older girl from anything that could harm her.

"I thought I told you Emily, that you were not welcome here especially today." Sue said coming into the room and sat down next to her daughter.

"Aunt Sue, I loved him too. I will not stay long." Emily said coming further into the house.

"Emily, you told me that Sue had told you that you could come." Sam said grabbing her arm before she went further into the room.

"Sam, I think it would be a good idea to take her home. Leah's control is okay but after what just happened I think it would be safer for her to leave." Bella said coming up to them. Bella looked around and saw that Paul, Emby, Jared and Seth were moving closer to Leah, to grab her and get her out of the house quickly if needed. "Leah and Jake imprinted on each other but Jake ran out."

She could see the understanding and hurt cross Sam's eyes. Get your stupid and selfish imprint out of here. Leah does not need to deal with her today. I know we can keep her calm as long as Emily is gone.

"Sam, thank you for showing up but please take her and go." Leah spoke raising her head to look at him. He nodded and grabbing Emily's arm left the house. She could feel the tension slowly drop. She turned to go sit back next to Leah.

"Bells, everything okay in here?" Charlie asked coming into the living room. Billy, Old Quil and himself had been in the kitchen but even they could tell something was going on. Charlie was now in the know about everything. He had seen Jake run out of his house the day Quil phased and had nearly shot him. Luckily Billy had been able to calm him down and explain everything. He was still pissed on the fact that she had dated a cold one but was dealing with it in his own way.

"Emily decided that the rules didn't apply to her and came with Sam." Sue said clenching her jaw.

"Sam didn't know, mom. He trusted her when she told him that it was okay." Leah said leaning against her mother and held Bells hand. While Leah might be able to forgive Sam for his lack of judgement Bella was not. The instant it is okay to leave I am going to ripe him a new asshole! He should have checked with Sue before bring that backstabbing bitch into this house. I didn't like her when I met her and know I fucking hate her. How bloody selfish can you be to show up unwanted at a funeral.

She looked up at Paul when he put a hand on her shoulder and nodded his head almost like he agreed with what she was thinking.

"Is it okay if I come in?" Jake asked from the doorway. He looked lost and in pain. She looked at Leah and nodded to him to enter.

Sue squeezed her daughter's hand before standing up and dragged Charlie with her into the kitchen. Jared and Seth sat down on the floor. Paul sat down next to her and Embry sat in a chair. Jake came into the room and sat on the other side of Leah.

"Thank you for coming back." Leah whispered leaning against him. Jake wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. "Just be my friend, I need a friend." she cried finally breaking down.

She tried but seeing Leah break down was her breaking point.

Bella got up and left the house, she knew that Paul and Quil, in his wolf form, would be following her. Icky Vicky was still giving them chase every so often and knowing that she wanted revenge for James, she always had a wolf babysitter nearby. She came to a stop when she noticed Sam walking back from bringing Emily home. She clenched her fist to keep her from punching or slapping him. She had sprained her wrist when she slapped Paul upside the head and didn't feel like breaking her wrist at the moment.

"On what fucking planet did you think it was okay to bring her there today of all days. For one thing Sue and I both told her that she was not welcome there at all, hell even Old Quil suggested that it would be wise for her to stay home. For two, Leah just barely has control over herself and you, Alpha jerk, bring your imprint to her dad's funeral. The reason that you and her are no longer together, in front of a new fucking wolf. Dammit Sam, you are a smart man and have been a good alpha so far you need to think with the your head not your pants." she ranted coming to stop in front of him. "The only reason I tolerate Emily is because of you. I know that she is your imprint but she is a complete bitch to me whenever you or the rest of the pack is not around. Keep her away from me and unless you want Leah to kill her make sure she stays away when there are pack meetings." she unclenched her hand and placed it on his chest, right over his heart. "I know that Leah is still in your heart and the fact that she imprinted on Jake hurts but please be happy for them. They are going to be friends right now."

Sam brushed the hair that had escaped her ponytail out of her face and nodded to Paul before going to join Quil on patrol. Paul came up behind her and wrapped his arm around her. She leaned back into his warmth.

"Come on, coffin bait, let's go check on the baby alpha and his mate." he whispered.

"Okay, silver bullet." she said with a small smile.

I sat down on the couch and opened the journal to begin writing while everyone but Charlie was out of the house.

It was getting harder to write stuff down without some sort of filter. More than once I had wanted to omit things but Old Quil had said point blank to keep nothing out.

I looked up at the pictures that covered the wall. The pack and their imprints. All the pack kids. The Elders. Charlie. Taking a deep breath I began writing again.

Confessions of A Wolf Girl {Complete}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora