Chapter 12

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Still at the Reception (Couple hours after Bells video)

Everyone was having a good time.

The video had hopefully eased some of the fears that her dad and Sue had been having. Sue and dad would make the rounds every so often to check on everyone. You could see the love and happiness in both of them.

She had danced with nearly all the pack except for Sam, Paul or Quil. She doubted that Sam would take the time to dance with her but he had been dancing with Nessa when Seth would give her up. She was currently on the dance floor with Seth, Claire, Nessa and Nala dancing to some Disney song that just came out.

She looked around when the song started to come to the end, hoping to find a empty table that she and the girls could sit down at and saw that Leah as well as Rachel were talking with Paul and Quil. As the song changed to a slower one, they slowly went to go sit down down at a table that Seth noticed and get something to drink, she was surprised when she felt a hand grab her wrist and pull her back onto the dance floor.

She was actually shocked when Sam pulled her onto the into his embrace. They danced slowly with neither of them saying a word or looking at each other for a time until she was fed up with the silence.

"Why are we dancing?' she asked finally looking at him. Trying to keep calm because she knew that Nessa could see them.

"Nessa. She wanted me to dance at least one slow song with you. I think my little girl is trying to play matchmaker." he laughed looking over at Nessa who was sitting on Seth's lap.

"Holy crow. I will talk to her."

"I already did. She was upset when I made her realize that we will never feel that way about each other but she knows that you are still pack and will always be a part of her life."

"I know that we tolerate each other but I love her like she was my own. Umm, I can't believe I am going to say this but I have this friend that is moving up here. She is studying to be a nurse and midwife. Sue met her and is going to mentor her. Her name is Talia and if you want I could introduce you. She is trying to get back into the dating scene just like you have been trying to do. It might stop Nessa from trying to get you to match you with me."

"I have been dating again and if you are trying to set me up, I must be bad." she just gave him a small smile. " I know that I put up with you because my daughter and a.. my pack brothers love you. I am sorry for thinking you were poison."

"Wait, you were going to to say a pack brother not brothers." she stated.

He slowly played with the charms on her bracelet with a small smile on his face. "Maybe."

The song ended and he just walked away. It took every ounce of her pride not to chase after him and demand that he tell her what he knew. She stood there playing with the charms when Quil came up next to her. He placed a hand on her back to keep her from being surprised.

"Can I have this dance?" he asked when Lonestar's Amazed began to play.

She nodded and turned into his arms. They didn't talk but she could hear him softly signing the words in her ear. She rested her head on his chest and enjoyed the feeling of his arms around her. He kept rubbing her back and she had to bite her lips to keep the small moan from escaping. Could Quil be the one that sent me the bracelet and charms?

The song ended quicker than she thought. She looked up at him and gave him a smile. He was about to say something when Paul pulled her from his arms.

"My turn." he said softly as he pulled her into his arms. She was surprised to hear Bryan Adams Everything I do(I do it for you) playing. She looked over and saw most of the couples were now on the floor.

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