Chapter 11

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Back to The Present

Over the Next Two Weeks

Billy had been beyond pissed when Bells and the pack had showed up at Sue's with Claire and Nessa. The instant Jake had told him about what had happened and what Claire had said, he was instantly on the phone to call Charlie. It took less than an hour for Charlie to come home.

While he and the Elders tried to figure out what to do, Leah and Bells cleared out a space in Bells room for Claire. Kim and Ang went with Sam to help him finish cleaning his house while Nessa stayed with Claire. She made sure that Quil stayed outside until he was sure his wolf was calm enough to be around the two little girls. Bells made sure that Kim took some of the clothes and toys they had picked for Nessa with them.

It was decide that Claire was going to stay with Sue and Charlie until they could finalize a way to keep Wren away from her. The knowledge that he was lusting after his own daughter and had hidden it so well from all of them had pissed off everyone. Bells had finally convinced Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rose to leave for Seattle. The four of them had gotten a house there. They were close enough to help but far enough away that they shouldn't cause anyone else to phase.

Jasper had gotten in contact with Jenks to start paperwork to remove Wren's paternal rights, just to be safe. Seth had shocked everyone when he imprinted on Nessa when he was helping me watch the girls. Sam would have killed him that day if she and the girls hadn't been there. Surprisingly, she had been able to calm him down until Seth could get away and Jake showed up. Jake had him run all the way to Canada and back to help calm him down and get rid of some of the anger.

Bells had been surprised when a letter from Heather appeared one day. She had called everyone to the house and once she was sure everyone was sitting she started to read.


Bet you are surprised to be hearing from me. I was shocked when I found out that you were alive. I actually found out weeks before the accident. Unknown to Emily I decided to find out what was going on in La Push. Hearing Leah's voice shocked me to the core. All of you were alive. I caused that accident hoping that you were looking for us. I saw your vampires show up after the accident when Claire and Nessa were still in the hospital. They didn't see me but I heard the boy on the phone with you and he was going to bring Claire and Nessa to you, Quil and Sam. I cursed my sister for doing this to you and the pack.

Emily had showed up on my doorstep even though Claire and I were going to be coming to her and told me that the cold one that was after you had destroyed you, your two cold one friends, Quil and the all of the pack. That she had gotten a hold of you before anyone could stop it. I wanted to call your dad and Billy to tell them how sorry I was about you and Jake but Emily said that we couldn't. Honestly that should have been my first clue. She had everything all planned.

I had told her about Wren acting strange around Claire and that she told me she would talk you and Quil about it. She told me that she thought that if it came from me no one would believe it. She was my sister and I trusted her. I had noticed more than once that when Wren would give Claire her bath that its was taking longer than it should. I found child porn on our computer and freaked out. He hit me and told me that no one would believe a word that I said because of how I had been around all of you and he was right. No even Emily, my own sister, had trusted me at first, not until I showed her the computer.

Emily had found someone to help us but she never told me who it was. She believed with the pack gone to protect us that we would be safer getting as far from Wren as we could. I only packed some things that I knew we would need. I did bring the picture Angela had taken of you,Quil and Claire. I hated the two of you the first time I saw that photo because the three of you looked like a family but since I though the two of you were dead that she would need it.

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