Bells lowered herself off Leah and turned to see that a couple of the pack was fixing themselves in their pants. She just laughed and dragged Leah to sit down next to her and Ang.

Ang and Kim each gave Leah a hug and also nipped at her neck once she was sitting.

"Shit, Swan warn us next to you think about jumping Leah." Paul said suddenly standing up.

"Why?" she asked fixing a couple of button that had come undone.

"So we can record it. Jake is gonna be ripped that he missed you pretty much dry humping his girl." Quil said with a laugh.

"She wasn't dry humping her. She was giving her comfort." Sam said trying to hide his smile and failing.

Leah had been worried for nothing. Rebecca liked her a lot and Rachel seemed indifferent about her. The age thing didn't even come up at all.

Everyone had been a little surprised when the twins had announced that the reason for the visit was because they each had gotten engaged to their boyfriends and they wanted them to meet their dad and Jake. Jake and Billy had been pleased, both of the men were really nice guys.

Halfway through the party, Bells noticed Paul acting strange. He whispered something to Sam and left the house. She was worried about her silver bullet. She met Sam's eyes and at his nod and him mouthing "the cliffs", she left to chase after him. She found him sitting against a tree facing the water.

"What are you doing here, Bells?' he asked not even turning toward her.

"What wrong, silver bullet?" hoping using her nickname for him would help.

"I imprinted on Rachel." she nearly tripped when he spoke. Knowing that touch would help, she unbuttoned three of the button at the bottom of her dress and straddled his lap. She moved slightly to find a comfortable spot and slowly rubbed his arms and chest. She could see the unshed tears in his eyes. "She is engaged to be married, she is so happy. Why would anyone tie her to a hotheaded screw up like me."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Just Sam. I couldn't be there right now. I know we will have to tell her but she, oh hell, she is pregnant, Bells. I could hear the heartbeat." he pulled her closer and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Be her friend and a protector. You will figure out a way to make it work. She should be thanking everyone that will listen for having you as an imprint. She doesn't deserve you. You are worth so much more than you know." she said lifting his head to look in his eyes. She leaned forward, nipping up his throat. She rose her face to his and kissed him like she had done numerous times over the past couple months. She meant for it to be a simple kiss but it took on a mind of its own.

He tightened his hold on her and slowly started rubbing her against him. She broke off the kiss when she felt him get hard. "Paul..." she whimpered. This was so not what I had planned.

"Please..I need you. I need to touch your skin."he growled as he moved his hand under her dress. He gripped her waist, his fingers digging into her hips when he found that she wasn't wearing anything underneath the dress.

She looked into his eyes. This could blow up in our faces but dammit I want this too. She nodded and that was all he needed. He stood up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He turned so that her back was against the tree. She lowered her hands and undid his shorts which dropped to the ground. She felt a slight twinge of pain when he entered her and he stood so still so she could get use to him. When she nodded and kissed him, he started to move.

Paul and Bells walked slowly back to Billy's house with her on his back. She needed to get her truck and go home. Paul was going to talk to Billy about what they could do about his imprint on Rachel. They had jumped off the cliff afterward hoping the water would take some of the scent away. She was happy and he didn't want to mess with that. He would be her friend and protector if she let him.

The party had ended and the house was dark when they finally reached her truck. She knew that what they had done would more than likely never happen again. She cared about Paul and she knew he cared about her but them together would never work because of so many things. They both had agreed on this while it had been really good it hadn't felt completely right. They could go back to being just friends and no one would know that he had taken her virginity.

"Thank you, love you coffin bait." he whispered against her lips when he gave her a kiss goodbye with a smirk on his lips.

"I love you too, silver bullet." she returned his kiss with a smile. She knew that everything was back to normal. He lifted her into the truck and she left watching him in the rear-view mirror as he turned and walked into Billy's to talk.

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