The Return of Spider-Man

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Nice: Hey guys! That's right, it's back! OUR BOY IS BACK! So, it's been a while since we ended things in the last book and I left you with that teaser, so we're picking up from there.

Yami: Quick disclaimer! If you didn't read book 1, do so before reading this one. Otherwise, you won't know what's going on.

Nice: Yeah, and a lot of the impact carried over from the last book won't mean anything to you. Anyways, we're jumping right into it! Enjoy!


3rd Person POV

It's been 2 months. 2 months since Beacon fell. Blake has left for Menagerie to see her parents. Yang and Ruby are still at their home on Patch. Weiss has had to return to Atlas with her sister and James. At this moment, there was a storm on Patch. Tai, Ruby, and Yang were all together in the living room. Tai had made great notice of Ruby and Yang's mood since the incident. Yang was mostly avoiding everyone and Ruby was unable to muster any kind of positivity. 

Tai: This storm doesn't look like it's letting up... If it gets any worse, we might lose power.

Ruby: I hope it goes away soon. I was going to visit Y/n today.

Tai sighed and patted Ruby on the shoulder before going into the kitchen to make hot cocoa. Meanwhile, a figure was slowly walking towards the house. It was a loose figure made up of black and red. Its sharp red eyes seemed to cut through the darkness as it dragged itself towards the small house. Tai, while in the kitchen, had a view of it approaching. He saw it and quickly put the mugs he had down on the counter before running out to face the thing. However, when he got outside, it was nowhere to be found.

With the figure, they were now in a strange metaphysical world. All around them were webs and faint lights. The figure seemed to find this normal as they continued moving. Eventually, they came face to face with a woman. She had long red hair, red and black goggles and a tight red and black suit with a white spider symbol on the chest.

 She had long red hair, red and black goggles and a tight red and black suit with a white spider symbol on the chest

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This woman is Madame Web. She watches over the web that binds all the universes together.

Web: Ah, Rouge. I see you've brought Remnant's Spider.

Rouge: Yesss.

Rouge then seemed to pull off of someone under the suit. When he was fully off, a boy with H/l H/c hair fell to the ground unconscious.

Web: It seems he's alive. Well done Rouge. Could you go get the others?

Rouge: Yesss ma'am.

Rouge left and Madame Web kneeled down next to the boy. She placed her hand on his forehead and he started to stir. His eyes opened slowly to show they were E/c. He sat up from the ground, feeling his head.

Web: Greetings Spider. I see you've come back to us.

He looked up at Web before looking at his hands. He was still in his old suit.

The Return (Spider-Man Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now