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Dianne's POV:

Going round to Amy's house reminds me so much of when we use to share an apartment in those first meagre months of Strictly. Neither of us really had a place to stay and we just chose to throw ourselves together in an apartment. I still love her, of course, and I'm so excited to go on tour with her, but we've both changed. I mean she's engaged now! I honestly can't believe it. Either way, I'm happy with Joe.

I knock on the door, hoping for an answer. I dropped a message earlier but I don't know if she has her phone on her.
"Hey! Come on in." She cheerily smiles at me.
"It's nice to see you by yourself for once." She jokes.
"I could say the same to you." We laugh together.
"So how have you been? Living with Joe I hear?" I smile.
"Yeah, we've been staying over a lot and I think it's time I just take the moment and live there. I love it though." I smile, thinking about it.
"Good! It's amazing to hear you so happy again. Like you've had so much going on that it's nice to just see you chill out with him." I nod.
"It's crazy." I observe. She finishes making her cup of tea, handing me my drink.
"So what brings you here then Miss Buswell?" She says, posture tall and pinky out, mocking the Englanders we've come to love.
"I just wanted to come say hi to my bestie to be honest. Although, now that you mention it, I have a problem." I sigh. Amy's already been so good to me. What if I ruin our friendship?
"Anything you need?" I push my mug forward a little bit.
"Can I stay at your place next week?" I look down in despair, knowing I have to explain this.
"Are they moving your stuff in next week or something?"
"No, me and Joe just need some time apart. Our relationship was thriving but I think we're past the 'honeymoon phase' now." I try and explain but there really is nothing. It's just that sinking feeling.
"Well look at us now, we made it through. You're doing the right thing. You'll be happier after this trust me. Either way, you'll be happier."
"Honestly thank you. I'll be out of your house before you can even realise I was here." I smile, realising I've just made the best decision of my life. We chat away for a while about our relationships.
"So in love." She says, teasing me for my blushing after I've been telling her about Joe.
"We both are!" I laugh, knowing she can't deny it.
"It's all so complicated now though." I agree.
"Honestly take me back to 2002!" I laugh, reminiscing my past 13-year-old self. Relationships weren't that complicated then, were they?

When I meet Joe back at his place, I inform him I'll be staying with Amy next week.
"I still don't want to let you go." He says, hugging me tightly.
"It's only a week. We've done it before. We can do it again." I remind him.
"This will be good for us." I keep repeating that same old stupid phrase. I'm ready to do this.

A/N: I mainly wrote this chapter for character development...

thank you guys SO FREAKING MUCH for 1K on both All We'll Ever Be And One Song. If you haven't checked it out yet, please feel free to click on my page and read All We'll Ever Be And I love you all.

Also Update: The tour was INCREDIBLE! And our favs won again, naturally. Every second of it was absolutely incredible and I can't even believe it!
See you soon loves x

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