"Gotta agree with mom big brother she did you dirty," said a voice that has irritated me all my life and when I turn around there stands my brother with a big stupid grin on his face smiling at my misfortune.

"Franco you're here," mom squeals hugging him tightly then kissing both his cheeks.

"I've been here for a while now, and I couldn't help but to overhear yours and Elijah's conversation."

She slapped him after he said that pinching his ears then telling him to stop listening in on people's conversations.

He apologized before the glint of torment came back in his eyes and he spun facing me.

"So who's this chick anyways?" He inquires picking up a carrot to eat.

"None of your business."

"Yes Franco mind your own business. Anyways honey, I think what's happening is that you're growing up and you're becoming the man that I raised you to be who is now ready to be committed to one woman," ma explains.

"You're saying I should ask her to be my... girlfriend?"

"It's just a suggestion Elijah, because you're clearly not satisfied with a one night and you want more from her, but she needs to feel secure. She needs to know that she's not wasting her time with you, no girl with ambition ever wants you to waste their time."

"Ma's right, but seriously though big bro, you had to know that karma would bite you right back in the ass. You finally found a girl to give you a taste of your own medicine and I'm happy," Franco taunts.

"Who is she? I wanna thank her, shake her hand or maybe even buy her a Lambo what's her favorite color because I was thinking white."

"Shut up man."

"She's got you so mad, I need to meet her."

I pulled my jacket to reveal my gun on my waist.

"Shut the fuck up or I'll pistol whip you," I mouthed to Franco behind mom's back.

"She's a really nice girl. Her name is Alyssa-Marie, she's beautiful, polite and so modest," mom answered and I glared at her.

"Ma, you met her?"

"Yes but by accident he's been secretly taking her on dates and that's how they ended up-"

"Yeah, Yeah," I said annoyed by the fact that they were talking about me when I was right here.

"You did all of that for something you could get so easily otherwise? That means that my dear brother has wasted a lot of time trying to smash this girl," he wiggled his eyebrows and I wanted to smash his face in.

"Okay yeah, overtime I grew to really like her, but initially it was about smashing her. I don't know when or how it happened but it was somewhere along the way to my first goal," I explained.

"Just make her your girlfriend when you get back, apologize, turn the charm on my boy," Franco advices.

I sighed while still cutting the batch of carrots.

Groaning I responded, "But she's immune to my charm."

Franco grins once again.

"So this is where everyone is at," my father said stepping further into the kitchen to kiss Isabella.

"Yup wanna help?" Isabella asks.

"Nope, so I'll be leaving, boys," he said.

"Dad," we chorused before he left.

As soon as I finished cutting the last batch of carrots, I took off my apron, washed my hands and left the kitchen.

I go up to my room to take a minute to think about what mom said, was I really fucking changing into a responsible young man?


Franco comes up to my room afterwards to talk with me.

"I think dad is up to something, something is fishy and it ain't those fillets mom is making downstairs."

"Well whatever it is, let's just hope it's something that will benefit the family and not lead to our detriment."

"This girl that you've been dating, are you going to tell her about our family and about your faith as the first born son?"

"Not right now. I'm unsure of our relationship as well as the fact that I don't trust her enough yet. Besides, no one is supposed to know I'm here remember?"

"Ah, I almost forgot big brother that no one knows you're back yet."

"I'm trying to live as normal as possible until I graduate."

"We'll see about that after all you're dad's second in command."

He pats me on my back and leaves the room.


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