6| Ceremonial Twists

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Chapter 6| Ceremonial Twists

Amelia's POV:

"You should wear this so that the men don't cut you hard enough," Cindy, my so called best friend beamed, pulling out a pink colored lingerie. I glanced at her in disbelief, then turned my gaze back to the dress I was sketching in my sketchbook. Aside from pleasuring men, my hands had a talent of drawing and sketching, but I only limited it to dresses and clothes. I had a dream of starting my own clothing line one day, but the dream seemed impossible now.

"Why would they not cut me if I wear that?" I asked, truly not interested. Frowning, I looked at my black fingers, then back at the pencil. No wonder my fingers were black and my eraser wasn't properly working, I was using a 4B pencil. 

Darn it! The guards brought me the wrong set!

Because I was considered as a 'threat,' I was not allowed to go out of the Pack, as I was 'mentally disturbed.'

"Because they'll want to get some, girl! Have you looked at your banging body? No one would want to ruin something that perfect," Cindy exclaimed, and I felt like smacking her on the back of her head.

"Except for the Alpha, and the Luna, and everyone who is loyal to them, which, oh my goodness!-" I faked a shocked expression, putting my hand on my heart and gasping to emphasize it, "-includes the whole Pack." 

The conversation I had with Dylan ran through my mind again. But I had convinced myself that he was just sprouting out some empty words to make me feel better. No one would ever do that, not even me.

Selfish whore.

"You're getting good at this," Cindy stated, adding fuel to my burning ego, eyeing my sketch and I could sense the hint of jealousy that laced her tone.

"Thanks," I replied with indifference. Truth was, I hid my sketchbook from the other Pack members because I had a 'title' to keep up. Other than that, I was afraid of the evil eye, like the one Cindy gave me.


The banishment day came faster than expected.

I woke up with a smile on my face, happy to finally be able to get all of it over with. I wouldn't have to face anything anymore after today as I will be dead. No more disgusting lusting men, no more envious women, no more stares, no more fights or drama. Just me, peace, darkness, and some deadly insects eating me inside out.

I changed into my favorite dress, put on tons of makeup on my face, curled and styled my hair and sprinted some perfume before walking down with a skip in my step. I greeted everyone with a smile on my face and even volunteered to help prepare breakfast.

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder," I muttered, looking around and gazing at everything with a new perception and a new light in my eyes.

"Listen slut, your helping and happy-go-attitude will not get you out of the punishment," A girl growled at me, but I just smiled and shrugged at her, before walking away, now even more excited to just die.

Is that like a mood or something?

I ate more than usual, savoring the taste of food as well; food was one of the things I loved. I had always been on a strict diet to maintain my body but not today. I ate a lot at breakfast and at lunch, finishing at least three servings and let out a small burp when I was done.

I was just finishing my last design in my sketchbook with the darn 4B pencil, when I heard a loud horn from outside. I grinned, picked the sketchbook, kissed it and tenderly placed it in one of my secret places. I had already changed into the lingerie that Cindy had recommended and had retouched my makeup and hair, the two things that made me feel pretty. A sigh escaped my lips, I was going to miss this too.

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