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It's been three years since Laura left... tomorrow is my birthday. I'm going to be 21.

the only good news I've received since Laura left is that I can date and marry whoever I want.

yet the only one who comes to mind is Laura.

Laura is all I think about.


every night

she's the first and last thought

I go to sleep holding a picture of her I can't help it.

what can I do I need to find her...

I to this day wonder what made her leave...

I found out yesterday that she took her phone with her.

yes I know you're wondering how I only just now found that out.

well after she left I never once went into her room until yesterday. I was looking around to see if I could find anything about why she left.

I only found out two things....

1. she took her phone with her.

2. she left everything that we have ever given her besides the phone, which she paid my mother back for.

after everything she simply disappeared. why though...

I need to find her....

knock knock

Ross: Who is it?

???: It's Riker can I come in?

Ross: Yeah it's open....

Riker pushed open the door walked over to me and sat next to me on the bed.

Riker: What's wrong little bro?

Ross: Laura... I miss her...

Riker: Well since you know she has her phone why don't you try calling her...

Ross: Okay I will thank you Rikey

He just smiled ruffled my hair and than walked out so I can be alone.

I pick up my phone and go to her contact number.

Laur Lynch

yeah I know what you're thinking. Why does it say Lynch. well when we became best friends I put her name in my phone with my last name and she did the same with mine. my contact in her phone read: Rossy Marano

I finally decided to press call... It rung three times than went to voicemail. I listened to the voicemail to make sure it was Laura...

Hi you reached Laura, I'm sorry I can't answer right now but leave a message and I'll get back to you.

I sighed, hung up and decided to call again.

after two rings the line picked up



Ross' thoughts.




Laura omg it's so good to hear your voice.

What is it Ross, I'm kind of busy...

Well that definitely hurt

I missed you. I want to see you


because you're important to me.

look Ross I gotta go, um text me I guess.

Okay Laur I lov---

And the line went dead...

Damn she didn't even let me finish.


well here's a little something something lol

hope you all enjoy

one love

Singh Of Love: Book 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum