part 21

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Courtney pov...

I ran toward Jackson and wandered if he was going to wake but after a while he didn't slendy came toward me and replies " sweetness let's go we know he's in a better place still thinking about you I shake my head yes and he helps me up we left the tower with Sally holding my hand and alice arm around me neck we were all walking toward the exit....

Jackson pov...

I'm in pain but I don't want to sleep.I want to see the person I love and live with her forever can still hear her but I can't say anything or make.movement I heard one of her friends reply sweetness let's go we know he's somewhere better and thinking about you I screamed no Courtney don't leave I love you" she shakes her head and gets up and leaves the tower I thought to myself no I can't leave her alone she loves me I love her then out of nowhere I wake up in in pain but I have to go to her before she's gone forever I got up and walked out the tower....

Courtney pov....

We were almost out the mansion when someone called my name I looked at my family and they heard it too we started walking again when this time it was louder I turned around and saw who it was I smiled and started crying I ran toward Jackson's arms he groans he was about to say something when I kissed him the kiss last for 5 mins he smiles and replies I love you courtney I smile and reply I love you jackson " I was still in my dress but hey I'm with my love of my life....

two years later....

Courtney pov...

I was back with my first pack and me and Jackson were the alpha of our pack and also I'm his wife now he always protecting me and never letting me leave his side on the other hand alice and Evan are together too. And I still visit the creepypastas me and Jackson life is good for us but is going to be better in a while...

I woke up with someone throwing a pillow at my face my eyes open to see my happy husband he smiles and replies good morning sunshine wakey wakey" I smile as I get up and kiss him today was a special day for me becuz I had a surprise for him but he would have to wait...

(Hehe guess what the surprise is)


It was finally to tell the person I love the surprise I have for him I was in our room when I wrote a lil more stating

Dear jacci ,

Meet me where we used to play when we were little and I don't want you to be late

Love you


I leave it on the mirror and leave toward the lake I've remember since I was little...

Jackson pov...

I enter me and my wife's room and reply sweetheart I'm home there was nothing I was walking toward the bathroom to see if she was in the bathroom when I see a bit stuck to the mirror i read it once done I smiled and ran out the room to meet my wife at the lake...

Both pov' s...

Courtneys pov...

I see Jackson coming my way I smile as he stops in front of me and kisses me I reply " hello how's ur day" he chuckles and smiled then replied " good since your in it" I smile and reply "good" I smile and reply I have a surprise for you he smiles and replies what's that sweetheart" I smile and reply well I can't tell you that yet" he smiles and replies " on really he smiles and comes toward me and wraps his hands around me I smile and reply " Jackson don't do it " it's to late he's tickling me he' s smiling as he doing this I'm laughing when he replied are you going to tell me sweetheart or you still want to do this I catch my breath and reply " fine I'll tell you " he smiles and kisses me then replies good girl so what is it sweetheart " I smile and reply "well I wait matter of fact we" his expression changes and replies "what do you mean by we" I smile and put my hands on my belly he looks down and smiles he looks up and replies " ur pregnant I smile and reply yes" he comes toward me and kisses me I smile and reply baby I need to tell them too he knows who I'm talking about and replies " whatever you want sweetheart" we go back and Jackson announced the news of me being pregnant the pack was happy and congratulated me I smiled and replied thanks guys the person who was excited the most was alice she was going to be an aunt I smile and I felt hands wrap around me.I turn around and look into blue eyes I smile and kiss him...

The next day...

I was.woke up with a loud thud I went toward the noise and saw my clumsy husband in the kitchen picking up a cooking pot I smiled and replied you are really clumsy" he smiles and replies " I know but hey you still love me" I smile and reply yeah I still love you" I walk toward him and kiss him then go in the bathroom and get ready for our journey today we were going to go see my lovely family the creepypastas....

I got out the shower and wore a comfortable outfit

(U can change of you want but somehow this outfit caught my eye)

I walked out the bathroom to see Jackson ready I smiled and we left we put alice and Evan in charge as we left to see my second family...

2 hours later

After two hours of walking we were in front of the house I was in when I didn't have Jackson with me he looks toward me and smiles I smile and we walk toward the house when a lil Sally comes running out with the rest of them coming to hug me I smile as we all get in a group hug and I'm knock down I hear a chuckle come.from.Jackson as he stated and watch them he replied ok guys time to get up they get up and hug Jackson I smile and let out a lil chuckle he looks my way and I lift my hands up I see Slender man coming out and I run toward him once inside we sit down I sit on Jackson's leg and tell them everything I look at Jackson and kiss him we were about to start a family together....

9 months later...

Alice voice: Courtney you have to push

Me: pushing

Jackson: come on baby you're almost done one more push one more push

Alice: one more push Courtney

Me: pushing

I hear crying and I breath there in Jackson's hands are triplets and there are all girls I smile as I see Jackson holding them he passed them to alice and she wraps them in a pink blue and yellow blanket...

I hear crying and I breath there in Jackson's hands are triplets and there are all girls I smile as I see Jackson holding them he passed them to alice and she wraps them in a pink blue and yellow blanket

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Jackson looks at me and replied " sweetheart what are we going to name them" I smile and reply how about




We smile as we just names our beautiful daughter's...

To be continued....

the lonely wolf Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя