Part 7

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after being dragged out of the room without Jackson Evan put me down and reply's "what happened in there Courtney"I frown and reply Dracula told me  what happened to my parents I had a meltdown and Jackson tried to tell him to stop he didn't then he threatened me and that's when everything went out of hand" I started crying and replying this is my fault" Evan saw how much pain I was in and asked ''are you okay '' I sniffle and reply ''no I miss him already'' Evan frowns he wraps his hands around me and replies everything is going to be okay Courtney I promise no ones ever going to hurt you'' we are out the path of the mansion he is hugging me and looking back at the mansion he replies he's is going to pay for what he did to Jackson'' I stat crying on his chest he makes me feel comfortable we walk back to the pack I explain everything to them they understand and reply to me ''sorry for your lost courtney we all knew he loved you more than anything'' I smiled and reply thank-you" I walk back to my room I close the door and plop on my bed crying I couldn't even stop .

back at the mansion.....

Dracula POV.....

once Courtney and her friend left I was about to follow when I saw mr.Jackson moving I went to him and sure enough mr. jackson was alive his stab wound was healed he looked up I smiled and replied '' look who's up '' Mr. Jackson let out a snarl I chuckled and called my two guards they came in I reply '' escort Mr. Jackson to the dungeon until i can visit him and talk to him" they picked up mr. Jackson and left I was happy because now I can do something that no one ever thought of.....

Courtney POV

After two freaking hours of crying I took out my phone and went to my photos of me and Jackson a couple of them made me smile  and the other well they made me sad and cry more I had to leave the pack for a while so I can get my thoughts straight they are picking a new alpha next week so I have time to myself I get my backpack and start packing my things I will need I leave my dorm and start walking to Evans dorm once there I knock on the door and a sleepy Evan answers it I smile and reply " hey" he smiles and reply's " hey"  I then told him what I was about to do he frowns and reply's " your sure Courtney you want to do this" I smile and reply " I just need sometime  pls" he smiles and reply's "ok" I kiss his cheek and reply "thank-you" and I wondered off  into the woods ......

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