Part 6

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jackson agreed to take me with him to his meeting I smiled and turned around I kissed him on the cheek and reply love you he smiles and replies love you too

4 hours later......

it was getting late and Jackson told me to meet him at his room I left my dorm and it was only 7:30 I started walking when I see Jackson walking toward me with other people I noticed one of them is Evan he smiles and wraps his arms around me I smile and kiss him on his cheek he replies " you ready" I smile and shake my head, yes we start walking it was a long walk until we stopped I looked up and saw a mansion and a path me Jackson and the other people plus Evan take the path to the mansion once to the mansion Jackson faces the other people and Evan and replies "stay here and I will howl if I need you he looks at me and grabs my hands and we walk into the mansions gates we are stopped by vampires and Jackson replies " I'm here to see Dracula they move and reply on the second floor in the third room" Jackson takes my hand and we go into the mansion we go to the second floor and we find the third room I look at jackson he reply's "stay by my side sweetheart and nothing would happen"I smile and kiss him on his cheek and reply "okay" he opens the door I see a coffin then it opens and comes out a vampire that looks like dracula I go behind jackson he smiles and kisses my temple and reply's everything's going to be okay"when about to answer Dracula replied " Mr Jackson I've been wanted to see you" the lights pop on and I see dracula he looks at me and smiles then reply's " do I know you " I reply "no you couldn't have"  he smiles and Jackson reply's Dracula I'm here to talk business not about Courtney" he smiles again and looks toward me and reply were your parents Amy Cordell and Levi stroeeiki Im confused he knows my parents name how? I reply how do you know my parents name? Jackson is holding my hand dracula lets out a chuckle and reply's I killed them and sucked all there blood out untill they were dry I fell to the floor and started crying Jackson bends down and wraps his hands around me he kissed my temple and reply's " I'm right here" dracula chuckles Jackson gets up and reply's "this was between me and you why did Courtney have to be in it" dracula responds " because I want her to imagine  what I did to her parents and how they felt in pain" I heard a growl come from Jackson dracula chuckles and reply's " you can't protect her from me " Jackson growls some more and reply's " I will try but you are not putting a hand on her at all" I get up and walk silently to the door when about to open it dracula used his power to lock it from the outside  I tried opening it but it wasn't working dracula lets out a laugh he faced me  and reply " time to feast on you Courtney"  Jackson pounces at dracula they are fighting over me I heard a groan come from Jackson he laid on the floor in pain dracula got up and started walking toward me Jackson reply's " dracula don't touch her or I will kill you" he chuckles and keeps walking towards me I run to the other corner he follows he then pulls out a knife in scared I get ready for him to throw it but nothing happens I see iackson he turns around and I see the knife in him he falls to the floor I get on my knees and reply " Jackson don't die pls I love you " he smiles he put his hands   on my cheek and reply's " I love you too" then his hand fall and he is still   I start crying and reply " Jackson no wake up pls wake up" I get out a howl and I start crying I get up an face dracula he smiles I run after him when I see Evan running to me he wraps his hands around me and picks me up and runs out the door I reply " no Jackson"  The door closes behind me and Evan.......

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