part 4

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Mr. Eric s POV...

Each day I take my time and train Courtney she is getting better each day since she met Jackson they would be together all day just playing around or talking but when Jackson comes around while she is training there's this feeling in her body that she wants to make me and Jackson proud of her tonight will be the night she shows me and Jackson her wolf form the only reason I invited Jackson is because she feels protected with him by her side ....

Courtney's POV...

I think I'm in love with jackson!!! I know I'm only 7 yrs old and he is 6 yrs old but he is kind, gentle, and friendly to me I know I know I might be stupid about this but I think I'm in love 💙💙💙. tonight I'm suppose to show my wolf form to Mrs Eric and I'm scared last time I did that I almost attacked Mrs snow I still have my cape though well I have to go I have training with Mr Eric ....

Jackson's POV...

I think I'm in love with Courtney I tell my friend Evan he smiles then starts laughing Evan been my friend since his parents died and my dad took him in for our pack so basically he's like a brother to me Courtney already met him  he is still laughing when I punch him in the arm he reply's " give me reasons why you like her or your in love with her "   I smile and reply " she's friendly, kind-hearted , lovely and beautiful. Evan looks at me and reply your actually in love with her" I smile and reply "yes"

Me and Evan are walking around when we see Courtney leaving her room I smile and reply "Courtney" she looks our way and smiles she stops as she waits for me and Evan we run toward her and reply " hey" she smiles and reply's " hey" we start walking and talking about what our favorite things were when we saw my dad waiting for us he was smiling and replied " good morning children " we reply " good morning" he looks at Courtney and smiles then reply's " today is a big day for you Courtney are you ready for today" Courtney smiles and shakes her head "yes" my father then looks at me and smiles then reply's " Jackson today is the day Courtney shows us her wolf form and I want you to come to guide her if things get out of hands" I look at Courtney and she works at me I smile and reply " ok" Courtney then asks " can Evan come too " my dad looks at Evan and smiles he reply's " of course" we all three smile and run off back to Courtney's room to go play....

How my bedroom looks like ^^^^picture up top (Courtney's room)

7:00 pm....

Jackson  POV...

It was 7:00 and at 7:10 I was suppose to meet my dad and Courtney at the lake it wasn't far from the camp so i was  good I had to pick up Evan first  we are so  excited to see Courtney's werewolf form it's important that we show our friendship and we don't make her feel bad for herself it was 7:02 and I  started to leave my room to pick up Evan. Evan was waiting for me on his balcony once he saw me we started walking toward the lake.....

Courtney's pov.....

I am frightened I am too scared to show my werewolf form im thinking to myself what if I attack one of my friends or mr Eric I don't want anyone to get hurt ... I thought to myself I'm doing this for my friends and Mr Eric no one else i calmed  myself down and it was 7:04 I had to be at the lake by 7:10 I put my special cape on and left.....

30 mins pass...

It has been 30 mins and Evan, Jackson and Mr Eric are waiting for Courtney when they spot her it's only 7:09 only one min before there is a full moon and they all change into our  werewolf's forms Courtney looked frightened Jackson walked up to her and replied " are you ok" Courtney looked into those blue eyes and shook her head no and replied " what if I hurt one of you" jackson chuckles and reply's " you'll do great because I'm at your side and Evan is too" Courtney smiles and reply's " thanks jackson" Jackson smiles and reply's "your welcome" it is now 7:10 and everybody looks up at the moon Courtney takes her cape off and waits for the moon to be full finally the moon was full and she turned back into the most prettiest white wolf ever

Picture below is Courtney in her wolf form 👎👎👎👎👎(thumbs means pointing toward the picture not that I don't like it)

Picture below is Courtney in her wolf form 👎👎👎👎👎(thumbs means pointing toward the picture not that I don't like it)

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Jackson was amazed he also turned into his wolf form...

👎👎👎👎(Jacksons wolf form)

👎👎👎👎(Jacksons wolf form)

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This is Evans wolf form👎👎👎(down below is Evan)

This is Evans wolf form👎👎👎(down below is Evan)

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Finally last is Mr Eric 👎👎👎

Ps:" had to get pictures from Google can't draw crap but tell me if they look good ok"

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Ps:" had to get pictures from Google can't draw crap but tell me if they look good ok"

After a while Jackson turned back to his original self so did his father and evan Jackson picked up Courtney's cape and went toward her in her wolf form he put the cape on and Courtney was back in her original form she looked at Jackson who gave her a smile she smiled and looked at Mr Eric and Evan they smiled mr Eric replied "let's go back to the pack and get some sleep shall we" we all smiled as we followed Mr Eric back to the pack

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