Chp 6 - Screw freedom

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The man seemed more chill than what was expected. Liu knew this stranger would be of help to him. "I'm glad you understand" Liu stated. "It sounds crazy but it's true, these are the killers that have been going around for the past year or so, you don't understand how grateful I am for you to help me out."

"Of course, kid" he patted him on his head and got up "you should get some sleep."

"I can't" Liu looked down towards his cup of hot chocolate, running his hand up and down on the mug to supply more heat to his hands "what if the clown comes back."

"Hm... well you're going to have to sleep either way, but feel free to watch the television" He twirled around in a circle then leaned forward over the couch and grabbed the television remote. He pointed the remote to the right, next to the fireplace and so the tv flickered on.

He turned up the volume till it was relatively loud before handing Liu the remote. "I just need to quickly make a phone call I'll be right back." Liu grinned and nodded.

He moved his body towards the TV and began to flick through the channels, he ended up watching Home Alone 2, a favourite from when he was younger.

Meanwhile the man wandered into the kitchen and grabbing the old home phone next to the cabinets he spun the dial around and dialed the number to kids helpline. He tapped his foot impatiently as he listened to the annoying buzzing sound of the phone ringing.

All of a sudden the buzzing seemed to stop "um hello anyone there?" The man asked into the phone. He waited a few seconds before he yet again asked if there was anyone there. When no one answered the third time he went to go hang up. He stopped when he heard a voice come through.

"Hello this is kids helpline how may I help you?" Said a chirpy woman. He quickly pulled the phone to his ear.

"Oh thank god, there's this freaking kid I found when I was doing my night shift down at the mine. I think the kid may need to go to the mental hospital or something, he's fucking crazy, no he's delusional ." He said quickly, he seemed eager to get rid of the problem.

The voice responded again, but instead more husky and more demonic like "Hello this is kids helpline how may I help you?" The man jumped at the change of voice.

"What the hell is this? Some sort of fucked up prank or something-" the man quickly dropped the phone when he felt a shock go through his arm. The phone lightly grazing the floor. At the same time the lights seemed to go off.

"This isn't a prank Joshua" The man quickly turned around, horror written across his face, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Y-you're him! The killer with no eye lids- black hair- and- the smile... How do you know who I am?" he fumbled backwards, turning his back on the killer and looking for absolutely anything to use to defend himself.

He came across his pickaxe and hauled up his trusty pickaxe that he carried with him everywhere. "Time for you to die bitch." He turned around with new found confidence. His new found confidence soon disappeared when he couldn't see Jeff.

"I couldn't help but over hear you say some rude things about my baby brother" the man spun around.

"I didn't mean any of it" he screamed.

"Oh but you did" Jeff launched himself at the man pinning his hand with the pickaxe against the wall, crushing his hand onto the wall in the progress. He gripped the man's shoulder as he unnaturally began to shift it around the socket causing his shoulder blades to make a painful crunch and break in half. "Who's delusional now Joshua?" He cackled.


Liu laughed at the television, it felt good to revisit a movie from his childhood. Just when the movie began to dig into the interesting part the power seemed to just cut out.

Liu placed his mug back onto the table in front of him, throwing the blanket down onto the couch he made his way over to the television.

He grabbed the antennas and started to move them around "how the hell do these work." He murmured to himself. He made a fist and banged the top of the television hoping to spark something.

He looked up at the shelf above the tv and reached forward to grab a photo of the man and a young girl who he presumed was his daughter.

Liu stumbled a few feet back when he heard a static noise come from the television. He squinted his eyes, he swore that he could see something amongst the static lines on the television.

A loud cluttering noise was heard from the kitchen that helped distract the boy from the figure appearing in the telly. He placed the picture back.

He grabbed a hold of the fire stake next to the fireplace and carefully edged himself towards the kitchen. His heart was pounding, he felt as if he was in some sort of horror movie.

The man was thrown over the counter and collided into the back of the couch making a loud thudding noise as he hit the floor. Quickly Liu ran up to the man, dragging along the stake.

He kneeled down to the side of the man and rested a hand on his shoulder, looking around for who or how he tossed him over to the other side of the room. "Is someone there?" He said innocently.

"...Y-you were... you w-were right" he looked down at the man, only just realising how beat up he looked.

He removed his hand from his shoulder and looked at his hand, they were covered in liquid that he presumed to be blood. He couldn't tell since the lighting was so bad. "What happened?" Liu asked.

The man coughed and jerked his index finger up. He had trouble talking. Liu turned around to see the horrific infamous Jeff the killer.

Hi, just wanted to let you know that this chapter was 999 words and now this paragraph is ruining it. Lol bye loveliez.

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