i foUnd thiS in My drAfts so hErE

646 16 5

Me: I honestly feel, as a fan of DBH, that people should express Gavin's character more, rather then dwelling on what he'd be like in a sexual relationship. Not saying that shippers can't ship and have headcanons, that's absolutely 100% fine, but what about Gavin in general. I feel like, working off his canon character, he has a reason why he's a prick and not just towards androids, but his cocky and nasty demeanor towards everyone. And it really kinda makes me upset in a way when people drag RK900 in and make Gavin suddenly love androids out of the blue. Yes, most people have him warm up to RK and then like androids.. but most situations like that aren't that easy to fix and are not always gonna be like that. Hank only warmed up to Connor because he viewed Connor as his son- in a way. He also- even before he cared about Connor as much as a friend for instance, he was "secretly" or not a public supporter of the deviants revolution. So he- in a way, liked yet hated androids. Gavin on the other hand, we don't know why he hates androids. Who knows? Someone could've died that he cared about by an android, or something as stupid as him just hating them because they're kinda stealing humans' jobs. We don't know, and again, I'm working with canon Gavin, not fandom Gavin.

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