Chapter 25: Lemonade

Start from the beginning

"Thanks?" I said, taking it from her.

"You had it on your ear yesterday," she replied. "It fell into your hair." She giggled.

"That explains it," I said.

I began to draw out my plans. The house, like the only house I'd ever built, would be made of logs. But I wanted it to be different than my log cabin. I wanted it to be open and bright. I didn't want it to depend on a fire for light. I drew the house out with large windows in the back that would face the ocean. Lapis could wake up and see it every day. That would be amazing. I knew she adored the ocean, she just didn't feel that swimming would be safe with the baby.

"What are you drawing?" Lapis asked, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Making plans for our house," I answered.

"You're going to build us a house?!" Lapis asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "For you and I and our family. I figured you'd like it."

"It is a nice idea," she said. "I like it."

"How would you like to wake up every morning and see the ocean out the window?" I asked.

"That sounds wonderful," Lapis answered.

"Giant windows it is," I said, sketching the lines for them.

Lapis laid her hands on her stomach, making little faces. I watched her expressions change from surprised to content.

"The baby's kicking," she said. "Her sleep schedule got turned back to normal after your terror episode last week."

"Oops," I responded.

"That's a good thing," Lapis said. "Now I'll be able to fall asleep more easily."

"That's great," I replied.

"She's only four months away," Lapis sighed, gently rubbing her stomach.

I tapped my lips with my pencil in thought. I would need quite a bit of money for windows that big. That meant I would need to raise some. The question was how was I going to raise that money? I tapped my foot, still thinking. I looked over at Lapis, who was watching my expressions.

"Do you have any ideas for what I should do to raise money?" I asked.

"Why?" Lapis replied.

"I need money to buy these windows," I answered. "They're gonna be pretty big. I have a lot of money, but I don't think I'll have enough for windows this big."

"Maybe you should ask the werewolves," Lapis suggested. "I'm sure they'd have ideas. They're probably the only ones that actually know your strength."

"That's probably a good idea," I said.

It didn't take long at all for me to organize the werewolves. We were all sitting in a circle in the living room. I had still claimed the couch for Lapis and I. Only comfort for her. While the werewolves were arriving, she had one of her cold spells, so I held her close and wrapped the blanket around us.

"Good morning," I said as the front door closed.

"What's up?" Bismuth asked, sitting down next to Smoky.

I picked up my planning paper and showed it to everyone. They all nodded.

"Another log cabin?" Royal Blue asked.

"Yep," I answered.

"I predicted this," Royal Blue said to everyone proudly.

"Anyway, I'm doing things a little differently this time," I replied. "I'm going to be installing big windows, and I need a lot of money for those. So I need to raise money. Any ideas?"

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