Chapter 1: Book Idea

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If you're an active Wattpader (this is their coined term by the way), you know what comes first when it comes to the cliched stories: 

1. CEO

2. Bad boy, good girl

3. Alpha

4. Vampire

5. Bad boy meets wimpy boy

Now, just so you know that Wattpad publishes like millions of stories per day. 

Can you imagine how tough the competition is? Do you want to know? 

It's like you're competing against the world, my dear. You versus 1 billion. If it's too overwhelming to imagine, don't imagine it. Like never. 

The thing is, no matter how cliche your book idea, it's still important—very, very important—to challenge the annoying trope to keep it fresh. 


By mix and match. 

When it comes to generating book ideas, you, as an author, have to keep in mind that you're writing books not because you want to be popular. BUT BECOME PHENOMENAL AND UNFORGETTABLE. 

Your goal is to attract lifelong readers and become your loyal fans in the long-term. Not just some passers-by.

But producing crap will NEVER lead you to that goal. For sure, it will give you traffic. Yes, it will give you a boost. Little did you know that you're slowly destroying the true message you want to convey to others that's truly unique to you.

The fact you're conforming with the majority of authors here, it's a solid reason for you to step back and listen to the tiny voice inside your heart. Listen to yourself and make that voice audible for everyone through your words.

My sister has been an active Wattpad reader for more than 5 or 6 years now. She testified how the platform, once filled with awesome stories, became a dread. Why? 

It's because most of the authors want to write stories that will give them an instant Return of Investment (ROI), not because they have a message to tell. 

It's the instant money and fame they're after. 

I tried that and it worked. When I wrote Lies Behind Ties, I neglected my inner voice and went on writing based on what my readers like. I thought it would be okay. But it didn't work. As a result of forcing my plot according to what others like, I suffered writer's block. 

And it's not a joke. Once you have it, it's debilitating. You can't imagine how angry I was when I couldn't even dare to hold a pen to scribble book ideas. For a writer, it's frustrating. It's like a singer who lost her passion to sing. 

Now, what's the point of this chapter?

There are two things you can do to avoid this trap. A common writer's trap. 

What I want you to do is to create a book idea that is so cliche but fresh. 

When you want to create a fresh perspective in a cliche, you need to keep these in mind: 

1. Challenge the trope

2. Make your protagonist's life a hell

Those are the keys to make your book idea a great one. 

For example, let's take CEO, Billionaire. 

What comes into your mind when we talk about this sub-genre? Secretary. 

Alright, what's the cliche here? 

A cold-hearted CEO tries to dominate his secretary and becomes his secret slave in the bed. 

A cold-hearted, brusque CEO tries to show arrogance to his secretary, yet deep inside he's been liking her for years. 

These two are the most predictable plot in today's Wattpad books. 

So, let's apply the 2 concepts: 

1. Challenge the trope. 

Ask yourself "What if?" 

"What if the cold-hearted CEO's life is challenged with a sudden bankruptcy?" 

"What if the cold-hearted CEO wants to dominate his secretary sexually because he's been stalking her since middle school?" (No, let's take this out. This is way too much. Let's add more.)

"What if the secretary is actually the lost daughter of the CEO's father?"

"What if the secretary attempts to avenge herself by doing under-the-table negotiations from the rival company?" 

Think of more scenarios wherein these tropes are challenged. Be creative. The sky is the limit. 

2. Make your protagonist's life a hell. 

This is going to be tough. An alpha, for example, is one of the most powerful characters you deal with in the fantasy genre. Nobody can defeat him. Sadly, he's the main character of your story. 

As an author, your task is to torment him with everything. This is to challenge him to his limits. How far can this alpha go? Will he quit or walk further? Your readers will be hooked with how you're going to do this. 

So, what are you going to do here? Again, mix and match by asking "What if?" 

"What if the Alpha, who's been hating the wolves, dies and reincarnates and becomes a wolf in his second life?" 

"What if the Alpha has to sacrifice his life on his own to protect his folks?" 

"What if the Alpha faces defeat, challenging his ego, by facing another Alpha?" 

Lots of questions. 

Do it this way until you have lots of ideas written down. Review them later for the next chapter. 


As your task while waiting for the second chapter, you write your book idea that certainly challenges the trope and makes your protagonist's life a hell. Make as many as you can. 

I recommend keeping a journal with you to record all those random thoughts, making sure you won't forget them. Because you know what, the phenomenal ideas randomly pass by on your mind. It could be in a dream or a daydream. 

If you have something to share, feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. I'm looking forward to that. 

P.S.: If you want to go advance, you can go to my official website at to be updated with my latest goings-on. 

Concepts learned: 

1. Mix and match tropes & cliche stories

2. 2 concepts to create a great book idea (fresh perspective)

See ya soon, my writing buddy! 

About the author:

Mecyll Gaspary is a writer and author of several Wattpad books in English that gained 100K+ reads, namely, "Accidental Quest," "The Rival," and "30 Days with Mr. Weirdo" in the Filipino language.

She is also an independent author and publisher and owns companies namely, MG Consulting for her freelance writing business and MG Publications as a self-publisher. She actively writes on her website at

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