Arc 1 - Chapter 2 "New world"

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(Shinzo's POV)

I have no idea how long it has been since Eleonora left me here in front of Akihiko waiting. I mean, I had no choice because, if it weren't for her, I would not have survived. Thankfully, I was given another chance, but it is up to the gods to determine my fate. What might that be?

I'm still here standing with the time stopped, I can still see Akihiko with his gun. I'm bored as hell, I wish I could sleep. I kept waiting until the ground started to tremor once more, but this time it was gentler.

Goddess Eleonora: I apologize for leaving you so long ago, Shinzo. I have excellent news for you; even if many gods want your death, they understand that offending the Supreme God is not something to strive for.

Shinzo: Am I really that big of a deal for the gods?

Goddess Eleonora:Really not, you weren't the cause. It was your mother.

Shinzo: Oh, I see. My mother was like a goddess or something. Did my mum do acts of cruelty or something comparable?

Goddess Eleonora: No. Glenn your mother the goddess of the wind made a significant contribution to the sentinel universe's rapid expansion, which elevated her status in this celestial region. Along with that, she triumphed in a conflict with Internus, the god of fire.

Shinzo: She certainly struggled in this place, damn it. Dad got sick, and I have to work to get my sister to school. Despite the fact that she abandoned us, I still haven't forgiven her.

Goddess Eleonora: People are chosen at random to be summoned, therefore she didn't do it on purpose. Since magic and other realms are unknown on your world, they won't be aware of the chances.

Shinzo: Well, it's good to know she didn't leave us on purpose. Was she that powerful?

Goddess Eleonora: Without a doubt, she was the most powerful person on her world. ascended to the highest position on Earth. Her journey came to an end in a matter of weeks. Oh, I thought I had already informed you about her?

Shinzo: That was a rather long story, so I kinda never listened to it. Never mind, what will now happen to me?

Goddess Eleonora: Please forgive me for forgetting to inform you that the highest God once favored your mother—not romantically, mind you, but as a God being. Since you had only committed one mistake in life—betraying someone—he decided to reincarnate your soul on a new planet, the planet that your mother once roamed and explored. You'll have a wonderful birth, but exercise caution because of your negative karma.

Shinzo: Negative karma? For one error in my entire life?

Goddess Eleonora: Since I'm short on time, I'll just tell you that it's a ranking of how serious your faults are. Additionally, Father Elios did change your karma to negative because he detests betrayal so much.

Shinzo: So what about reincarnation? Is it not appropriate to summon me just as you did with my mother?

Goddess Eleonora: Although we don't question our Father Elios orders, I also wonder why he did that. But you know, it's preferable to begin a new life with a new family than to be a stranger in a strange land, isn't it?

Shinzo:That is a fantastic offer, to be sure, but what would become of my family back home? How things will turn out for my father and sister.

Goddess Eleonora: I'm afraid I'm unable to tell you that. I can't tell anything more than what your circumstances are at this time.

Shinzo: You're the Goddess of Earth, aren't you? Why can't you reincarnate them with me so that we can begin a new life together?

Goddess Eleonora: The supreme deity Father Elios is severe when it comes to someone's fate, so I can't just summon someone or reincarnate someone at random because someone wishes to. Don't worry, though; if I have some free time, I'll talk to him about your family.

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