Chapter Two

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Nya's Pov

"What do you mean he left?" Kai asked setting his coffee mug on the kitchen table, where we sat discussing the absence of the rest of our team. "He left me this note apologizing for the mess he made, and thanking me for getting rid of the overlord" Jay said as he spun his cup around. I knew I should be focusing on the problem at hand. 'But he's back. In person' I thought as I linked my hand with his. "Well we'll go find him, TOGETHER" I said trying to encourage my fallen blue jay. "We can't. He left Ninjago. He said we have to fight the overlord" Jay answered softly. This was bad. We couldn't defeat the Overlord without Lloyd. "Well we have to find him! We can't defeat the overlord without him!" Kai said voicing my thoughts. I nodded in agreement as I stood up from the table. "We leave in five." I said walking to the control panel. I knew Jay wasn't in the best of shape still... but we had to try and find Lloyd before it all fell down.

Dareth's Pov

I was sitting in my living room eating a sandwich. I was happily watching my scheduled soap opera when THE ROOF OF MY HOUSE CAME OFF! "WHABLA!" I exclaimed jumping into the hissing walrus. I was ready to defend my soap opera, and house. "Foolish Mortal" This giant rock monster said. It was weird. It's voice reminded me of something... Whatever it was grabbed my roof and added it to it's head as a hat. "Hey! That's my roof!" I said as I watched the monster grow taller and taller. 'This was a mistake!' I thought as I grabbed my sandwich. "On second thought you can have it! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I exclaimed as I ran out. "WHERE ARE THOSE NINJA?!" I exclaimed as I ran through the streets, with my sandwich in hand.

Lloyd's Pov

I was lonely... I knew it would be a tough journey, but I didn't expect it to be this lonely. I was in hiroshi's labyrinth. So how would a place with no cell reception be able to let a royal advisor find me? They say it has a mind of its own. "Master Lloyd?" The advisor asked. 'Why would the royal family need me?' I wondered as I took a deep breath. "Formally, what do you need?" I asked ignoring the sting in my chest when I said "formally". "Princess Harumi wanted me to give this to you" He said as he turned on his heel and left. 'That was weird...' I thought as I fingered the gold seal on the envelope. I hesitantly tore it open. "Master Lloyd, I know you resigned from the position of Master. But we need your help. A giant rock monster is attacking Ninjago. Your team has been attempting to fight it. But I'm afraid they are failing." I read as my heart stopped for a second. I forced myself to keep reading. "Their injuries just keep coming. The only thing I have found that can stop it... is the Oni mask. If you harness their powers, than I believe you can defeat the overlord... for good." I finished. This was a lot to take in. 'So Jay reunited the team... It's only been two days since I left!' I thought as I rolled the note up and shoved it in my backpack. I didn't expect them to lose so quickly. 'I thought I had more time' I thought sadly. 

A/N: These are shorter chapters, sorry! I'm trying to get these out quickly so they aren't quite as long as I would like. If you wanna leave a like that would be awesome! If you REALLY like these books you can follow us so you are notified anytime we post a new book!  - Elizabeth

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