Hosting a Killer Dinner

Start from the beginning

"No, you know what?" Andie stops him. "We should continue this. Let's have a dinner party."

"Ooh, my best friend full of good ideas. I'll be happy to host and I know Sofia will love to cook. She makes the best food." Damon kisses my cheek. "Say tonight, maybe?"

"Works for me and Andie? What about you Aunt Jenna?" I ask playing along.

"I don't know if tonight works..."

"I'm free." Jenna cuts Alaric off.

"It'd be a pleasure." Elijah stares at me and I feel like we just got ourselves into a bigger mess than before.

The dinner party that I wasn't expecting had me hurrying to the store to make dinner for six. "You know you don't need to so serious while making dinner."

"I'm not serious. This is my I'm so relaxed nothing is going to go wrong look." I fire back at Damon. He comes up from behind and rubs his hands down my arms trying to calm me down.

"Sof, we have him right where we want him. I just need you looking out for your aunt and Andie and leave-taking Elijah down to me." He whispers into my ear.

"What if something goes wrong? Do you even have a backup plane?"

"I don't need one."

"Everyone needs you. You don't go straight in with just one plan. Things can always change."

"This won't. I have the weapon all I need is the right opportunity."

"He's older, faster, and stronger than you. What if he overpowers you and then kills all of us?"

"I love that you worry about me failing and all not like it's a mood dampener or anything."

"This is serious Damon. You can't protect us all. We're playing with fire and there's a lot of innocent lives at stake if something does go wrong." Damon turns me around placing his hands on my face.

"I love you too much to let any harm come your way. I will fight to my last breathe to keep you safe. Now stop stressing you're cooking is amazing. He kisses me on my forehead. Damon goes to finalize plans with Alaric before Elijah arrives.

"So, you and Damon are now hosting a dinner party?" Jenna joins me.

"Uh, yeah he's really wanting to do more couple like things and apparently that means having dinner with my aunt and her boyfriend. And my boyfriends new best friend who happens to be your friend and all of a sudden I realize I'm underage and no one will let me drink."

"Hey, pretty sure you'll want to be sober for this night."

"Are you going to be sober?" She purses her lips. "Fine half a glass and that's it. Wow, I'm a bad parent."

"Hey, you're a great parent, allowing underage drinking under adult supervision is way better than turning a blind eye." The doorbell rings causing my heart to race. Elijah's here and everything could change.

"I'll get it while you finish this amazing meal." Jenna kisses my cheek and heads to the door to let Elijah in. I plaster the fakest smile I could but it falls instantly when I see my biological dick of a father standing before me. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Nice to see you too Sofia."

"He's crashing when no one invited him." Jenna states bitterly. She really hates him and Alaric wanting nothing to do with him since he's been filling Jenna with doubts about him.

"Yeah, what if I didn't have enough food?" I ask annoyed.

"Trust me I know you always make more than enough food." John states and I roll my eyes at his deduction.

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