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"I want to run away with you, where there is only you and me"


FOOTSTEPS echoed down the dirty alleyway as I ran faster than the Auradon soldier trailing behind me. I gasped into thick breaths while my throat constricted as panic settled in the pit of my stomach. Heart hammering in my chest, I tried to outrun them. They were everywhere. Every corner. Every turn. They've covered the entire Isle in search of the missing princess. My hand gripped the letter I received from Harry earlier in the morning. He wanted to meet with me near the shoreline this evening.


I need to get to him, no matter what. I need to tell him the truth. He deserves to know. Tears were brimming in my eyes as I ran faster, hoping to escape the soldiers following me.

"Princess Erina! Stop! Princess, please!", they shouted behind me as I cursed under my breath. By then, the entire Isle knew that a princess was being chased somewhere in their territory. I shoved a drunken man along with his lady aside as I entered a darkened alleyway. I stopped mid-stride.

Dead end.

Panic filled my entire being as the sound of footsteps neared me. My eyes surveyed the alley, looking for another exit when out of nowhere, I found a ladder facing upwards to a rooftop. The guards shouted behind me again, pointing their fingers as I climbed up. I hauled the ladder beside me, watching the guards scattered around the area who were trying to find a way to capture me. I kneeled and heaved a breath, all the while ignoring the sunrays blazing on my skin as the paper in my hand caught my attention.


Quickly, I ran towards the roof, jumping from building to building as quietly as I could. I reached the shore in no time, scrambling on my feet as I ran to hide, hands shaking in panic as I hurriedly searched for Harry. My feet took me towards the familiar clearing, and I looked around me, feeling the desperation coursing in my veins.

"Harry!", I shouted frantically amidst the empty shore, where my body was shivering. I could feel the tears falling freely down my face as I continued to scream, ignoring the painful burning in my lungs.

"HARRY!", I screamed, my voice hoarse, when suddenly, a hand grabbed my lips, leaving me no choice but to squeal in fear. I struggled in the culprit's hold as more tears leaked down my face.

Tears leaked down my face when suddenly, a hand covered my face; making me shriek in surprise. I struggled with my arms when a familiar scent flowed through my nose, making me calm down.

"Shh...", a familiar voice said from behind me as Harry's familiar scent filled my senses. I elbowed him in the gut, his arms loosening their hold as mine embraced him tightly. Squeezing my eyes, sobs escaped my lips, urging the memory of being taken away from Harry to vanish. Harry broke the hug, his hand gripping my shoulder tightly as he looked at me squarely. The crazy glint in his eyes was missing along with his usual Cheshire grin as he surveyed my fragile form, face morphing in anger before a terrified expression traversed his face.

I grabbed his hand in desperation as my eyes widened in panic. "I-I need to tell you something, Harry."

"No, you have to go, Erina-"

"No, listen to me Harry, you have to listen.", I interrupted, shaking his shoulders as his eyes wandered around before they went back to me with fear; the expression on his face was so unlike him that I could feel dread bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

"I need to tell you something. I-"

"NO! Erina, you have to go. They're coming. You have to go back.", he shouted in my face, grasping it gently as he looked at me solemnly. I stopped in my tracks, my hand falling limply on my sides as I took a small step back, my mind processing his words.

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