Chapter 7- Really?! Lessons with him?

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Calculus. Who ever invented it needs to have an apple thrown at their grave. If it could be found:( . Calculus today was rather distracting not only because the teacher Mr.Chin is well muscled and toned in jusf the right places.*cough cough* the buttocks. But also because I had Rome to partner up wtih me for this class because he forgot his text book. Well firstly he tortured me by taking a seat then he starts tracing random paterns on my hand with his finger which feels so good in  a pleasureable way.  Now he was going on and on about some story that happened to him during practise and right now i have had just about enough."Rome would you please shut up. You have been going on and on about something I dont even care about. I am trying to focus here." Jhessh. His face was crestfallen for a little portion of a minute then his mask of cockiness came back on but his eyes held such sadness that my heart went out to him. But it was too late to take back my words. Ahhhh damn it! Now i feel bad. He pushed his chair away from mine a little bit but just enough so that he could see in the text. His face looked so sad that my heart went out to him. Now I regret beong mean. "I'm sorry..are you mad at me?" that's a.dumb question he moved his chair away what does that say that he prefers to strain his neck to see. Idiot."I could never be angry at you cupcake" he said with a smile. Like a real genuine smile that could light up any room. He's so nice and gorgeous."Take a picture it'd last longer"someone from behind me said. I just paid them no attention but secretly I was so embarrassed that someone caught me staring at Rome. I have a boyfriend I mentally chanted so I cannot be going around liking really sexy guys name Rome. I mentally faced palm I cannot believe I just said that.

The bell rang signalling the end of this period and the befinning of firat period lunch. "Mizz Thorne and Mr. Rome may I see you two for a brief moment please?" what.does he want? I am peeforming well i  his class so is Rome I think? I enjoy calculus but tends to be a little bit boring.

"I am terribly sorry.that I bore you Mizz thorne."oh snap he heard.

"I wouldn't beat around the bush for mizz Thorne's sake so Emily I need you to give some calculus lessons to Rome after school.hours please?"

"Wait wait wait you want me to give him lessons whatever for? He does amazing in his exams.''

"According to the last few I beg to differ mizz Thorne. His scores are significantly decreasing "


"May I just say that doing this looks excellent on your college application. And we both know how much you would like to get into Princeton. And besides you would be helping  a classmate out." He pulled the unversity sales pitch on me. Damm him i was looking forward to saying no.

"Fine I would do it. But do I get paid cash?"

"No mizz Thorne unless if Rome here decides to pay you" he cleared his throat before saying "otherwise" mr. Chin was smiling in a really weird way and so was Rome..what is up with that? Otherwise? Did sir mean sex? Ahh that bastard. My face heated up as red as a tomato out of anger and embarrassment. They should be ashamed of themselves I am never going to degrade myself by doing the dirty with Rome.

"You should be ashamed of yourself" I said mostly to sir then i peoceeded to stomp out of the class like a llittle child throwing a tantrum. "Cupcake" I heard Rome say but I just walked faster. "Cupcake wait" he said as his hands found my waist. His fingers gently rubbed random shapes on my waist." I' m sorry" he whispered. I had to swallow and try to compose myself before I could formulate a response.

"Sorry for what?" I said when I managed to get out of his grasp but my back found a locker.

"Sorry for what happened in class okay?"

"Yeah its fine" I said looking down at the floor. Then I felt his cool fingers as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. He gave my cheek a soft kiss and then walked away.

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