Chapter 3- A Date?

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Hmm now I'm sitting bored in Mathematics class just waiting for Mr. Leiba to be done. His jokes are so stale that you have to laugh and he just keeps a straight face. Like that's some serious skill. But I stll don't get wnhy letters are used in Maths I mean isn't  that for English Class.

I so cannot distract myself. Why would Christian want to meet me? I didn't even know that he came to our school. ' Well of course you wouldn't know since he just moved here smarty' my mind says.... If only I had duct tape for the voice in my brain.

"Miss Thorne am I boring you?" am I supposed to answer that honestly?

"Uh.. no sir your lecture is going quite fine." I say with a slight blush.

"Then it shouldn't be any hassle for you to solve this problem on the borad?" that man is out to get me

"Sir that wouldn't be a problem" I say nervously as i hear the sniggers behind me as i walk up to the white board. I stare at the board for a good ten seconds when i give up and realise all I understand is that I am looking at a right angle triangle. Interesting..he drew it so neatly. I wonder how he gets the lines so straight? Hmm

"Miss Thorne this isn't Art Class so i suggest you stop admiring the work and start working on the sum." I stand there for like a minute unsure of what I wanted to do. I need to pay attention more.

"Mr. Leiba I would help Emily" a familiar voice said. I slowly turned around and saw Christian slowly getting out if his seat. He looked so hot in that dark blue hoodie and dark blue faded jeans that were tight but not too tight. Yum. If only he could turn around I .."You have a bit of drool on your chin." he says as he walks past me to go up to the board. I just stood there rooted to my spot. Darn it and here I thought I was invisible. But he caught me staring at him. Urmagurd was my mouth hanging open or what?!Did I look creepy?Does anybody have a pack of Hershey's kisses I am desperately in need of some sugar right now. Or maybe a"Miss Thorne I repeat please go to your seat or else I would have to give you detention or some sort of activity to do which you would not enjoy doing."

I let my hair sheild my face from the amused faces of some of the students. The rest of the class passed by in a blur probably because the period was almost done when I had to go up to the board. I grabbed my Maths text and my bag and proceeded to walk out of my class when I bumped into a nice chest. I just couldn't help myself as I took a sniff. Hmm.. like jasmines and detergent. When I looked up I saw Chris with a smirk on his face and a glint of amusement in his eyes. I cannot believe I just did that. He let out a low chuckle and it was the nicest sound. "You're too cute" cue :blush the shade of a ripe tomato. "We're still on today?" he asks with a little grin on his face. Awwies. "Are we still on with what?" I asked a bit confused. "Wait you didnt get my note? I knew I  shouldnt have put it there."

"Christian. Christian. Christian!" when he looked at me his cheeks were tinted lightly with pink. That boy is too cute and ssexy for his own good. "I did get your note its just that my mind has been a little busy with a lot if stuff. So I'm sorry I forgot" why did I even say that he never asked if I had mental issues. Ughh.

"S'okay. So we're still on for today right?" he looks so cute when he's nervous. "Yeah we are" I say as I walk away to Home Ec class.


"Then I said yeah I'd see you at lunch and i walked away" I shrugged my shoulders while popping a tasty chocolate in my mouth. I moaned... that tastes soo good."So do you know what he wants to meet you for?"

"If I did do you think I would be this nervous to find out" I tell her with my the blankest face I could give. If i must say it did work well. "Sorry"she says while putting up her hands in a surrender gesture.Heh the wonders of the face. "Hun I think he likes you. So when you go try to act natural. Don't be to flirty. Bat your eyes a little" what?! people still do that? Well what did you know!." And try to be yourself but just a teensy tiny bit happier." "Teri I think I know how to talk to a guy you know. And I would  be myself and not anyone else." "I knew you would have said something like that. That's my girl." she said patting my knee.


" joke ever." I say through breaths of laughter. I found out that Chris has a thing for really dumb and stale jokes. He says the ability to make it funny. That's true. Lunch started off a bit awkwardly but it turned out to be amazing. The bell rang in the distance signifying the end of lunch."This was really fun" I say as I get up off the stands and walk to the doors leading to the hallway of school. "Emily hold up." Chris says as he jogs up to meet me by the doors. "Would you like to go with me to Jeremy's party on Friday?" he says scratching the back of his neck with a faint blush on his cheeks. Do I really want to go to a party where there are drunk people? "Yeah I would like that." I say with a genuine smile on my face. "Great. I would pick you up at eight." What's the worse that could happen?.


A/N: well hello there everyone. I am really sorry for the late update but I was having some trouble uploading opn the app. But I found a way and Voila! Okay so I hope you like it. I made a cast list so let me know what you think. I am soo happy with the response this story is getting. Also I am currently writing a new story but I didnt upload it yet. Well until next chapter. Stay awesome.




say cheese


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