Chapter 5- A night to remember(Part 2)

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I haven't gone to a party in a year and it feels so strange being back here again. "You don't drink?" Chris asks as he placed down his red plastic cup.

"Not really maybe now and then but I wouldn't mind having one right now" I say with a smile. I don't want to drink too much tonight. He walked to the fridge took out something poured it into a cup then he went into a cupboard pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and poured some into the cup.

"Drink up" I placed the cup to my lips and sipped. It burned my throat at the beginning but then it cooled down. I took a few more before I started to feel a little bit buzzed."What is this?" I  asked. He shrugged his shoulders."I don't know I just mixed two things together to see what they would taste like." so he just gave me some random thing he thought of. Without my consent could you believe that?! "You want some?" i asked holding out the cup for him to take. He drank some then I realised it was the same spot I drank from so we indirectly kissed. When he handed me it back i said" You know we indirectly kissed right?"

"Oh really?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye. He walked in front of me and trapped me against the counter top. My legs tingled and got goose bumps on the exposed skin.Is it getting hot in here? I felt his lips lightly brush mine in a teasing way. Gosh why was he doing this."I have to go look for Jeremy" he says moving away. Why I just wanted him to kiss me. I pouted and he noticed oh darn. "You want me to kiss you that badly?" I blushed and looked down. He lifted my chin and placed a bunch if tiny kisses on my jaw completely ignoring my lips then he pulled away. With that smirk of his intact. Why is he not kissing me? I whined over and over in my head. "Maybe if you be a good girl I might." he heard me thinking to myself. Oh snap. I blushed scarlet. He placed a kiss on my temple before walking away.


I tried calling Teri to see if she was at the party but she wasn't answering my calls. I walked up the stairs and started cautiously opening the doors one by one. Let's just say I saw thing I would never unsee. And I am now mentally scarred. The room at the end of the hallway I heard a bunch of laughter. When I peaked in I saw a bunch of kids from school including Teri and Mark. "Hey Emily come in" Teri said as she frantically waved at me even though I was right there.

"Well if it isn't the nerd" the guy from the day I throwed juice down on his lay. That rhymed.

"You again" I say with my face scrunched up in disgust.

"You in for a game of truth or dare?"

"Bring it" I said with my game face.

"Since you just came we'd ask you first. Truth or dare?"

"Truth" I stated confidently. Some random guy I saw wearing a letter jacket in school volunteered this question."Are you a lesbian?"

I had a cough attack on the Coke i was drinking. Nathalie from my Bio class was patting my back trying to get my coughs under control. Everyone was laughing. "I am not a lesbian. Like why in the world would you think that I am a lesbian. You know what don't answer just move on to somebody else." I am face palming myself continously. Sigh why are these people so dumb?! Some people chose dare and the kinds of kinky activities they participated in I wondered if this was a party or a scene for a porn show.

My turn came around once again amd I was forced to choose dare even after my protests of that's not how the game rules are.

"We make our own rules cupcake" the guy from the restaurant said."So who is going to make this dare.?" he asked looking around the room.

"I will!I will" a girl with light brown hair said." Okay I dare you Emily to make out with Rome."she said with a giggle.Not bad. But wait

"Who's Rome?"

"I am" said the guy from the restaurant with a smirk on his face. You have just got to be kidding me right now. Is the universe serious about life? Like really serious.

"Afraid to make out with me cupcake?"

"Don't call me cupcake. And secondly I'm not afraid of some wannna be football star." i had no idead what I just said like I need a lid for my mouth.

I got up and moved to the center of the circle where Rome was sitting. Once I reached I sat straddling him with my face facing his. He took his hand and cupped my face gently and brought my face down to meet his. It started of slow then suddenly it burst into an explosion of passion. His right hand was rubbing circles on my waist while his other hand was on my leg rubbing it up and down so slowly it was just so...magnificient. He moved his lips to the spot where my neck meets my shoulder and he began to lightly pass his tongue on it. I tugged on his hair a little to show him that I wanted more. I felt a little sting then I realised he bit me and was sucking. He was giving me a hickey. And it felt so damn good. I let out a soft moan. Jeez what is he doing to me? I felt something against my upper leg which wasn't there before. When I figured out what it was I blushed and leaned in to whisper in his ear"Someone is happy to see me" I pecked him on his swollen lips and I shook my hips a little bit but enough for Rome to feel it and for him to let out a moan. Then I got up off him and went back to my spot in the circle. Then I realised how much I was shaking. He did this to me and I like it. Rome got up saying he had to go to the bathroom. I wonder what he did there.


I went downstairs and found Chris and we started dancing on the dancefloor in the back yard. The D.J was saying something I couldn't hear over thr cheers of the people here. Then I heard the song and I understood why. It was Wiggle. "I love this song I said loud enough so that Chris would hear. I just let the music take over and I just started working my butt on Chris. This is so not me. I think I may have had too much Coke. Halfway through the song I felt his lips on my neck just lightly kissing and licking and sucking and biting. What is with guys and my neck is there some sort of magnet? His lips grazed my earlobe as he said "You're mine and noone else's" he then let out a little growl in my ears. Before he moved away only to hold my hips again. That's when my eyes caught up with Rome's. Did he see the whole thing with Chris and I?

This feels like if it isn't going to end well.


A/N: well this chapter was definitely something. Well I am really sorry for the late update don't pelt me with monkey poop. My dad took away all my electronics leaving me hopeless for a few days hence me not updating and I can't exactly be like dad you can't take this away from me I have a story to post on Wattpad. This chapter was written from one a.m to 3 a.m so i am really sorry for the mistakes. I would edit it soon. Thank you for all the votes and reads. I love you guys so much. xoxo




say cheese


I Still LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora