Chapter 2: The Unfriendly Visitor

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John and Hannah spent their afternoon shopping for clothes and some home products, just enjoying their day. The people in Hope County seemed to be in good moods, greeting John and Hannah every time but some even had gloomy looks on their face, making John a little curious. It was when Pastor Jerome approached them with a worried look on his face, that John started fearing the worse.

"Pastor? You seem a little off, is everything ok?" John asked curiously. "John is it ok if we can talk alone?" John nodded at the Jerome and was quick to turn to his wife. "Hannah, darling, how about you continue without me?" He smiled at her, kissing her soft lips and leaving before she said anything to him. Hannah watched John and Jerome walk in a rush to the church, leaving her curious on what was going on. Clearly it was something bad and she really wanted to know what it was but didn't want to get John angry at the same time, so instead of shopping, Hannah sat on a nearby bench and just waited.


Almost thirty minutes later, Hannah was starting to get extremely impatient and frustrated as the sun hit her face and started to burn her sensitive skin. She jumped off the bench and made her way towards the church. Opening the door slowly and as quietly as possible so that John and Jerome didn't hear her walk in and it had worked.

As she got closer to the room that the voices were coming from, she peaked in to see Jacob and Joseph as well. "What the hell is going on?" She whispered to herself as she listened to the conversations.

"This guy has literally come here to finish off Hannah's job" Jerome's voice was heard first, "He is going to destroy everything that your wife hasn't and possible even try to kill you all". There was a silence in the room for a little while before Jacob spoke up. "Maybe Hannah knows the guy? Maybe she could talk with him and convince him to stop". "I'm not putting my wife in front of this dinner Jacob. No way, forget it" John stood up and started to walk up and down in the room, "I won't put her in any risk".

"Jacob's right John, this man has a reason for coming here and finishing us off" Joseph's voice was finally heard, "he came here for a reason and we must find out what it is".

Hannah was extremely confused when she heard her name get involved in their conversation, what were they talking about? Or better yet, who are they talking about?. She couldn't take it anymore and walked into the room, "what's going on here?". John immediately looked up when he heard her voice, taking his hand off his face and approaching her, "honey what are you doing here? I thought I told you to continue your shopping". "Who is this guy you're all talking about? What does he have to do with me?" Hannah completed ignored her husband and looked deep into Joseph's eyes.

"We were hoping you could tell us" he said as he stood up and handed a photo to her. She took a look at it and her eyes opened wide, she had recognised the man that was in this photo and immediately felt her throat tighten up. She looked up at her husband as her eyes filled up with tears, "that's my brother" she managed to say and everyone's mouths flung open.

"Well fuck" Jacob growled and slammed the palm of his hand against the desk. "Are you sure honey?" John asked and saw her give him a look. "Of course I'm sure John. I know what my brother looks like and that's him" she yelled at him as she looked at the photo again. "You're brother is finishing off your work Hannah, he has already taken a few things of Faith and destroyed her bunker" Jacob informed her, "he tried to kill her". "Luckily Sharky and Hurk Jr were able to get her away from him in time" Jerome continued on.

"I don't get it. Why would he do something like this?" Hannah was now more confused then ever, "I'll have a talk with him". "The hell you are" John raised his voice again, "you're not getting involved in this Hannah, end of story". "John, he's my brother" Hannah yelled back at him. "I honestly couldn't give a rats ass" John yelled close to her face, "now get outside and wait for me in the damn car".

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